yo vylee? is it me alone or is it that the ibm link for the job posted on sunday isnt going thru?????
it bounced back!!!!
yo vylee? is it me alone or is it that the ibm link for the job posted on sunday isnt going thru?????
it bounced back!!!!
Theres no Friend Like Google..........
i saw it but didnt apply this time - i've applied to IBM around 4 times about a similar position titled "IT Sales Specialist" - the last time i got a response from HRM saying they'd keep me posted but ma CCNA instructor told me that IBM not looking for any entry level or associate people - they want senior level staff only.
he says the only reason why they do that is to boost the number of persons who apply cuz they want a high application count but really and truely they only looking for people with a particular experience and skill.. i never even got called for an inteverview from those guys and its funny, cuz i thought that i fit the job description perfectly considering i have a bachelors and also been a professional and free-lance salesman for years (which is what they claim to want in the description)
edit - ur e-mail link is missing a fullstop.. this is the correct address solutions@jm.ibm.com
Last edited by vylle; May 17, 2011 at 03:13 PM.
Really beginning to wonder if there is something i'm missing that resulting in me still being unemployed.. cuz not even e-services job mi can get staar..
Have you tried looking overseas. I just don't think things are going well in terms of finding work in Jamaica.
IDK what to put in this sig..........
me either.. i think its so funny that government is trying to prevent brain drain yet they have no incentive to offer them. anyway i've tried other places in the caribbean through "caribbeanjobs.com" but no luck *i've never gotten feedback when applying for a job through caribbeanjobs.com - it seems that most are interested in citizenship*
on linkedin however, i joined some groups and a human resource agent from a Canadian company CDI asked me for my resume.. just sent it (i'd really hope they have something for me)
Last edited by vylle; May 17, 2011 at 06:43 PM.
well I hope it works out for you man. It would probably be better in Canada.
IDK what to put in this sig..........
Yeah, however, not to sound pessimistic but im not holding ma breath for anything - as i said before, i've applied for so many sure things and been lead on by people from different companies so many times that i all start budget money i neva earn yet! and im sure y'all know that that never ends well
yo as mi seh is LINKS LINKS LINKS......... dont care wat u have or wat u can do
Theres no Friend Like Google..........
Fi real bredda JA a nuh bed o roses, mi jus land inna 1 job here in which is a 3 months project (a bare projects and monthly contracts mi a get) di big man fly in yesterday and God answers prayers, him seh him want mi here permanently now, have you tried hooking up with job agencies? Trust mi it betta dan ntn, I can recommend a few if u interested