I am going to try and do this in an organized manner and keep it (the top post) updated unlike the other thread so everything can be seen easily by newcomers. To do this, all I ask is for you to post your techja user name followed by your PSN ID so I can easily copy/paste it into this post, in this format:
techja name -> PSN ID
Simple enough?
I deserve a gift for digging through that other thread and reposting this, but here is the TechJamaica PSN community so far:
rickyricardo -> rickyhonda
Rizzle -> Yarizzle
**ScarFace** -> perfectscar
Rasheed -> fasturn
kev007_002 -> kevear
BlackCryptoKnite -> BlackCryptoKnite
chig -> PayneKiller1509
xclusief -> xclusief
Zandex -> Zandex
stefan -> stefanplaya
hv_thugg -> hvthugg
technoo -> Yardvibez ???
Skillachi -> Stewbeans
Seanbee20 -> iamsbee
Malloc-X -> Malloc-X
zRo ToLeRaNcE -> zrotolerance_jm
Imarri01 -> xX_3s0t3r1c_Xx
semitop -> AzixTGO
INQ1 -> DNA_M1x
hovastan -> hovastan
radkin -> slain007
andrew_005 -> anjupang
Sadsack_GT4Guru -> the_teacher_1907
Krems -> krems04
argonaut -> argonaut1978
majestic1 -> MaJeStIc876
?? -> davecolly
?? -> princeofja
Vtull -> falconp446
Danigon -> Danigon876
techdude -> rzTex
tappa -> tappad
Crimfatale -> Crimfatale
chinojam -> chinojam
madcats99 -> richiefeelings
Redline -> cavi-c
hirky -> ralta_b
cuban -> weedsmoke876
MiTcHiE -> mitchie55
Ramon_kmtjerk -> richsquid
zerodeth -> xeroja
yardiecliff -> Yardie_Cliff
stickman_ac -> ricky-6-killer
mase112 -> wartrish112
Tek -> JaTekne3k
deathscythe_64x -> deathscythe_64x
narity - > djnarity
I've also underlined the ones I don't see coming online anymore so if you are sending out requests to this pretty hefty list you can skip those ones. Don't see your name, see a misspelling, or it is underlind? just make a post and it will be corrected.