thank for the response to the first question it prove to be quite helpful. thanx.
I would like a favour i'm using visual basic 2008, i want to make some reports and print from a datagrid. can someone plz assist me with that i would be careful.
thank for the response to the first question it prove to be quite helpful. thanx.
I would like a favour i'm using visual basic 2008, i want to make some reports and print from a datagrid. can someone plz assist me with that i would be careful.
first of all, u mean Visual Studio 2008 IDE and u using VB.Net to code. use and to look up on datagrid and reporting. those helped me in my time at utech and still up to now. :>
Where there is a will there is a way
For populating a grid, just use a SQLDataSource object and set the grid DataSourceID property to the ID of the SQLDataSource object. As for the report, you can use the included Crystal Report. You may have to look up how to get info into Crystal online as there are too many steps and methods to mention here. You can use the push or pull model for Crystal, whichever is suitable for you. In the push model, you populate a dataset and send that to Crystal. The pull model just pull the in for Crystal straight from the database via a view, query or stored procedure.