OK guys if you are like me that has a pocket pc or the guys with an iphone, you tend to look at Google maps but there are no names on the roads, sad to say Google will NEVER label Jamaican roads we have to do it ourselves, that is why they have given us a tool called Google map marker http://www.google.com/mapmaker the more people that work on it the faster we can do it let us start mapping and moderating. Mods i would love if you could shoot an email out to all members, so those who don't see this will know or even make this a sticky, thanks.
I plan Marlon Daley so everyone know who i am to approach the new cell company since having mapping capabilities on their units with gps and 3g will help sell them, they wold like to assist us with promoting this tool and get more Jamaicans involved. so guys let us start mapping together.
watch the video tutorials. http://sites.google.com/site/mapmake...eatures#search scroll down to see tutorial
and lets start mapping
download digital map here