See, this all boils down to the fact that for the PS3 to shine it needs software gurus.
People who don't work at $ony have neither the time nor money to want to make up for the hardware shortcomings when doing multiplatform titles.
When the devs kits/middleware matures (which they have been), then the games will come, but basically the guys been fighting an uphill struggle.
Naughty Dog and Konami are still in $ony's corner, so they are not even working with the better designed hardware of the Xbox360.
Imagine how sweet MGS4 would look (Semi don't shoot after me..) lol
Semi those idiots are retarded fan boys...
How the Linux install must "sit on the Ps3 OS", is he retarded...They occupy different partitions on the HD, plus storage and ram are the same to the OS.I have installed linux on my ps3 which sits on top of the game os. I am sure most of the game os “calls” are cache from the hard drive, then flushed out of memory. The game os on the xbox needs a different type of memory. As it does not need a hdd. I think this story has been made up.
Also from Wiki : Although the Cell's performance is more than enough to handle most media requirements or render complex 3D graphics, it does lack the teraflops performance of a contemporary GPU's texture fetching hardware. That is what they found out last minute and mek them run to Nvidia.
This retard is 3 times more retarded. The PS3 has faster ram. But out of a fast car that can only drive on ultra-pristine roads in bright sunlight or it bruk down, or a slightler slower one good for all terrain and weather, most people (developers) will stick to the latter. You can partition the memory in the Xboxen as you like, need more texture ram, take away some from somewhere else. $ony requires more hard limits into what you can do.hh, ps3 has better ram than 360.
360 has 512 ram for both cpu and gpu.
Ps3 has 256 for cpu (4,5 times as fast as 260 ram) and 256 ram for gpu.
The article is wrong so it can better get removed.