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Thread: PS3, dissecting the fail cake.

  1. #11
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    See, this all boils down to the fact that for the PS3 to shine it needs software gurus.

    People who don't work at $ony have neither the time nor money to want to make up for the hardware shortcomings when doing multiplatform titles.

    When the devs kits/middleware matures (which they have been), then the games will come, but basically the guys been fighting an uphill struggle.

    Naughty Dog and Konami are still in $ony's corner, so they are not even working with the better designed hardware of the Xbox360.

    Imagine how sweet MGS4 would look (Semi don't shoot after me..) lol

    Semi those idiots are retarded fan boys...

    I have installed linux on my ps3 which sits on top of the game os. I am sure most of the game os “calls” are cache from the hard drive, then flushed out of memory. The game os on the xbox needs a different type of memory. As it does not need a hdd. I think this story has been made up.
    How the Linux install must "sit on the Ps3 OS", is he retarded...They occupy different partitions on the HD, plus storage and ram are the same to the OS.

    Also from Wiki : Although the Cell's performance is more than enough to handle most media requirements or render complex 3D graphics, it does lack the teraflops performance of a contemporary GPU's texture fetching hardware. That is what they found out last minute and mek them run to Nvidia.

    hh, ps3 has better ram than 360.
    360 has 512 ram for both cpu and gpu.
    Ps3 has 256 for cpu (4,5 times as fast as 260 ram) and 256 ram for gpu.
    The article is wrong so it can better get removed.
    This retard is 3 times more retarded. The PS3 has faster ram. But out of a fast car that can only drive on ultra-pristine roads in bright sunlight or it bruk down, or a slightler slower one good for all terrain and weather, most people (developers) will stick to the latter. You can partition the memory in the Xboxen as you like, need more texture ram, take away some from somewhere else. $ony requires more hard limits into what you can do.
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  2. #12
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    More food found for the PS3 haters....

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by chig View Post
    More food found for the PS3 haters....
    LOL its just facts dude we not hating the console else we wudnt buy 1 but its just not worth it they just drop the price to 300
    If You Talk About That Of Whom In Which We Do Not Speak,Have We Not Spoken Of That Of Which We Do Not Talk??

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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chig View Post
    More food found for the PS3 haters....
    no it is more like more food for you noobs
    SLAPPA Phenom II AM3 Overclocking Essentials
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanza View Post
    LOL its just facts dude we not hating the console else we wudnt buy 1 but its just not worth it they just drop the price to 300
    talkin bout ppl like the poster above me who mek a comment what is not even a sensible reply to what I said. I kno him nah buy no PS3 fo sure

  6. #16
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    Imagine how sweet MGS4 would look (Semi don't shoot after me..) lol
    I doubt it. They can try making games look that sweet on the 360 then i will believe. And is not like the game look sweet and the ai fool. But yeh it hard to do apparently... but its still a capable system. I saw vids of ninja gaiden 2 in High quality, ppl seh it look good and i tell u i was disappointed. I say look cause it is a good measure, i not a gfx whore...
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by chig View Post
    talkin bout ppl like the poster above me who mek a comment what is not even a sensible reply to what I said. I kno him nah buy no PS3 fo sure
    I will buy one when it is worth the money @ that price i prefer buying another 360...and I dont support the no ps2 compat...ehwn its price reaches about $250 i will consider one
    SLAPPA Phenom II AM3 Overclocking Essentials
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  8. #18
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    Ninja Gaiden is not a next gen game..It is throwback Dead or Alive 2 modified tech, which itself is from Virtua fighter (Bet you didn't know that). The hitboxes and stuff dont seem similiar ? Think on it.

    GOW2 is a next gen Game, so is GOW, playing it on my PC at 1600x1200 it is lovely to behold.

    Short of Storage (Blu-ray), you cannot tell me that MGS$ is not doable and able to look better than on the PS3.

    The MGS4 pixels were counted by 3 different independent sources. ALL came back 1024x768, subHD. To examine the content of the BR disk one just has to put it in a PC BRD. something like 60-70% of the disk is also filled with uncompressed 7.1 audio. something nobody needs.

    this game would do fine on 360, in fact it might be able to hit a higher resolution due to better / quicker compression that is used and less of a memory bottleneck.
    Unnu start cry yet, as I know for a fact the Xbox360 version would look better. 1024x768 = ATARI graphics (they have to upscale to real HD cause the memory in the PS3 is so pathetic)It also runs at 30 FPS, with only the cutscenes runnig at 60.
    Let Them Hate, So Long As They Fear.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nestersan View Post
    Ninja Gaiden is not a next gen game..It is throwback Dead or Alive 2 modified tech, which itself is from Virtua fighter (Bet you didn't know that). The hitboxes and stuff dont seem similiar ? Think on it.

    GOW2 is a next gen Game, so is GOW, playing it on my PC at 1600x1200 it is lovely to behold.

    Short of Storage (Blu-ray), you cannot tell me that MGS$ is not doable and able to look better than on the PS3.

    Unnu start cry yet, as I know for a fact the Xbox360 version would look better. 1024x768 = ATARI graphics (they have to upscale to real HD cause the memory in the PS3 is so pathetic)
    lol!!!! nesta take time wid dem nuh star..even a wii can play mgs4 LOL..all this bashing wouldnt start if noobs never start talk crap...and talk what them dont know and follow hype
    SLAPPA Phenom II AM3 Overclocking Essentials
    4890oc beats gtx 285
    ps3 only advantage is bluray
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    Mi know dem fear mi!!!!! Gigabyte 790x ud4p
    phenom 2 955@3.8ghz 24/7 stable , 4GB ddr3 1333@1.5ghz ,3850 256MB (temp card) (4890 soon),700 watt dual rail psu, (overclocking rules) my avatar represents my personality

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nestersan View Post
    Ninja Gaiden is not a next gen game..It is throwback Dead or Alive 2 modified tech, which itself is from Virtua fighter (Bet you didn't know that). The hitboxes and stuff dont seem similiar ? Think on it.

    GOW2 is a next gen Game, so is GOW, playing it on my PC at 1600x1200 it is lovely to behold.

    Short of Storage (Blu-ray), you cannot tell me that MGS$ is not doable and able to look better than on the PS3.

    Unnu start cry yet, as I know for a fact the Xbox360 version would look better. 1024x768 = ATARI graphics (they have to upscale to real HD cause the memory in the PS3 is so pathetic)
    Where is the link to that? 720p is fine, not like the game doesn't look great.

    from what i seeing the mgs4 disc holds 46.6GB (japanese version) Thats 14GB non-audio if we go by the 60-70% audio thing; still too big. Whether or not it possible, let them bring out an exclusive game that is as good and we can talk.

    I don't know what u talking bout ninja gaiden 2, all i say is ppl said it looked good.
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