Have you received a phishing email claiming to be from a local financial institution? Let us know about it. Post a screenshot of the email in this thread so others will know what to look out for.
Have you received a phishing email claiming to be from a local financial institution? Let us know about it. Post a screenshot of the email in this thread so others will know what to look out for.
I should have seen this a week ago i would have like 16 screenshots by now and all would be different
Email : malco1987@hotmail.com| LIME :342-9787 | DIGICEL : 406-4604
One Stop Software Downloads
ive seen one from a fake paypal but the hilarious thing was i didnt have a paypal account then the message was detected and deleted by my AVS so sorry no screen shots
"I pledge allegiance to a country without borders and without politicians" - Maximus
al·le·giance: Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause.
Paypal is not a local institution.
PC - Ubuntu 15.04 64bit Desktop
HP Pav G60-236US 3GB RAM Laptop, Ubuntu 15.04 64bit and Win7 Home
"So Daddy, how come you telling me stealing not right when YOU copying DVDs? How come? How Come?"
RIP Ramesh ...
so local companies are into spaming now boy i didnt think i would live to see the day