Check out these useful threads for information u may be searching for.
How to Get Wireless Router to work with CWJ/LIME/"Any Other" ADSL
Need help getting my router to work
...In short - (Plug the ADSL router into the LAN port of the wireless router. Reboot both devices and let the good times roll )
GPRS/WAP/Phone as Modem Settings
MiNet Settings
Using your celphone as a Modem to connect the internet (better than dial-up)
Dish/Satellite TV & Internet
Satellite Service in Jamaica
DSS Technology-Is it still Worthwhile? - not really in this Section BUT full of info
Can I get high speed internet using my satellite dish?
General Networking
Limit Bandwidth on Network - Here, Here or Here
WiFi Hotspots in kingston
Tech Jamaica List
How to protect your wireless network - which includes MUST READ articles about Six Dumbest Ways to Secure a Wireless LAN & Wireless LAN security myths that won't die
# of Connection for P2P on Flow
Utorrent setting for 6mb
This Sticky will be updated as times goes by.