Cultured in Aggression and Koding like a Warrior!!
“Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius.” - George Bernard Shaw.
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein
I take it your not a postgresql fan! Care to say why?
in my case, i was away from the product for too long. When i was doing my own thing(small company) i would use Mysql and Postgresql . But started working for a company who's sql of choice is MSSQL and lost tough with the free world.
Must say though, although MSSQL is the slowest sql product i have worked with, it does do some kewl tricks as compared to the rest.
Anything or Anyone that fails to grow will eventually die. {AI}
Tomorrow is the future!
Today Is the Tomorrow you made Yesterday!{AI}
i'm not necessarily against Postgre. its good, if you ask me.
MSSQL is a good platform, SQL Standard compliant (or very close)
sql code transfers well to other compliant databases
It is less headache to work with since there is an abundance of developer tools to work with it.
theres the watered down free version MSDE if your clients cannot afford a full license (if they require more than MSDE, theyre probably makin enough money to buy a full license anyway)
other than being free, what features of Postgre would you most recommend it for
do you plan to back that up with some bench marks...
Last edited by icymint3; Jan 1, 2007 at 06:15 PM.
Cultured in Aggression and Koding like a Warrior!!
“Common sense is instinct. Enough of it is genius.” - George Bernard Shaw.
"The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein
Maybe i should retract that from the stand point that, my proof is purely observational. its not something i had documented ,not that i care enough at this point anyway. I mentioned it because when i started working with MSSQL i found myself waiting longer for my results to come out (and thats when i started taking notice of the result turn out time)
Anything or Anyone that fails to grow will eventually die. {AI}
Tomorrow is the future!
Today Is the Tomorrow you made Yesterday!{AI}