Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a new web-based forum on the horizon that we all should become aware of. Bookmark the following webaddress in your respective browsers right now:
The site is structured in very much the same way as is, but with a much more relaxed setting. There is no particular theme being supported, aside from that of fostering the development of a common caribbean community for all those who were born right here in the caribbean. Ofcourse, it doesn't matter if you now live overseas, you're still one of us.
Unlike TechJamaica, the primary focus of this website is community. It's not about technology, it's not about cars, it's not about parties, it's not about music, it's about EVERYTHING. Yes that's right! No topic is out of bounds (so long as the maturity level remains intact). It's all about meeting people from all over the Caribbean and having a great time socializing. I must also state, that this website is the brainchild of one of our very own, Chris Gilbert. Therefore...
I anticipate that every member of techjamaica should go over there and sign up right now - by defalt! ;D
Let's give this fledgeling community a kick start by representing the entirety of our current membership base there. So punch up this address right now in your browsers and register.
- Notify all of your female techie friends.
- GodKid, pass the word on to the Trinis and tell them to do likewise for the rest of their clan on GATT
- Deakie, go undercover @ and tell them all a bout it.
- All of you junkies, pass the word out to your pals friends, families, enemies, politicians, whatever...
SpamCall up people if you have to!
Let's see how fast we can get this party started.
- Xeno