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Thread: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    10. Where are the emoticons/smilies?
    The emoticons or smilies are located to the right of your posting box when you are starting a new thread or reply to an exisiting thread. The smilies are not available when using the Quick Reply at the bottom of each thread. If you started using the Quick Reply and would like to insert a smiley, click the "Go Advanced" button below the Quick Reply text box. This will keep your current message while allowing you to use the advanced posting options.

    If you don't see the smilies when you're using the regular message editor, go to the options section in your user control panel. In the options section go to the Message Editor Interface setting and select Standard editor and then save changes.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    11. How come there is a 20 character limit?
    This limit means you cannot submit less than 20 characters in your post. This is to prevent members from posting only smilies in their posts and one word sentences.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  3. #13
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    Apr 2003
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    12. How do I change my display name?
    This was a feature that was used by many members in the old forum. But unfortunately this feature is not available to members in this new forum.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
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  4. #14
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    Apr 2003
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    13. How do I find the thread I started or replied to?
    By default, subscriptions are enabled for all posts you make. That means, that the forum keeps track of all threads you started and all threads you have replied to. To see the list of threads you have participated in, click on the User CP link at the top of the forum and select List Subscriptions from the menu on the left.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
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  5. #15
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    Apr 2003
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    14. I want to see all new threads and replies that have been posted since my last visit instead of searching each forum. Is there such a feature?
    Yes. Click the New Posts link at the top of the forum. This will display a list of threads that have been posted since your last visit.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  6. #16
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    Apr 2003
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    15. Why doesn't the image in my signature show up?
    Images in signatures have been disabled on this forum.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  7. #17
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    Apr 2003
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    16. Why do some of the posts have these wierd characters in them?
    The new forum uses different forum code than the code used in the old forum. Because of this, the new forum doesn't understand the forum code and just displays it as is.
    Some of the forum code it doesn't understand from the old forum is the QUOTE tag, the emoticons/smilies and the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbol.

    The moderators will be able to fix these posts as they come across them.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
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  8. #18
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    Apr 2003
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    17. What does the plus sign beside a name mean?
    The plus signs means the member is on your buddy list.
    Click on Quick Links --> Open Buddy List to see a list of your buddies online.

    To remove them from your buddy list, go to your User CP --> Buddy / Ignore List.
    There you will be able to add and remove users from your buddy list.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  9. #19
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    Apr 2003
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    18. I started a new thread, but now I cannot find it. Where did it go?
    If your thread hasn't been deleted by a moderator, you can find it by going to your User CP --> List Subscriptions, where you will see a list of threads you have started or replied to.
    Subscriptions keeps a track of all the threads you have participated in, in all forums. So if you can't find your thread, your subscriptions is a sure way to find it.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    19. I see a thread or post that needs to be removed/edited. How do I alert a moderator about the thread/post?
    There is an option called Report Bad Post that allows you to send a report to the moderators about a particular post. On each post, you will see an exclamation icon at the top right hand corner. Click on the icon above the post you want to report. Type your report and send it. All moderators of that forum will get the report. If no moderators are assigned to that forum, the report will be emailed to all Super Moderators and Administrators.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

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