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Thread: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    Default Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What is about?
    2. I've forgotten my password and/or my username, do I sign up for a new account?
    3. I've tried to register but I keep getting an error suggesting that my e-mail address is already in use.
    4. Ok, I have reviewed my new temporary password. Now what?
    5. How do I change the details of my profile?
    6. What is and isn't allowed in my profile?
    7. What kind of topics are discussed in the tech forums?
    8. I keep getting logged out when trying to post or navigate the forums using Internet Explorer. What should I do?
    9. How do I post a new thread?
    10. Where are the emoticons/smilies?

    11. How come there is a 20 character limit?
    12. How do I change my display name?
    13. How do I find the thread I started or replied to?
    14. I want to see all new threads and replies that have been posted since my last visit, instead of searching each forum. Is there such a feature?
    15. Why doesn't the image in my signature show up?
    16. Why do some of the posts have these wierd characters in them?
    17. What does the plus sign beside a name mean?
    18. I started a new thread, but now I cannot find it. Where did it go?
    19. I see a thread or post that needs to be removed/edited. How do I alert a moderator about the thread/post?
    20. Is there a limit on how many smilie faces I can make in a post?

    21. Can I use strike-through in my posts? If so, how?
    22. Can I lock/unlock my own thread? If so, how?
    23. My Post Reply text box has no formating options or smilies that I can enter into my post. How come?
    24. Is there an RSS feed available for the forums?
    25. The time stamps on my posts are incorrect. How do I fix this?
    26. Why is my Skype status icon always grey, even when I am online?
    27. Why can't I make a reply in the Classifieds?
    28. Why are my posts being merged?
    29. Why can't I create a new thread in the Classifieds?
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    1. What is about? is an online resource of technology information, news, events and discussion forums focusing on technology in the Jamaican environment. Anything tech-related and Jamaican will be found on
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    2. I've forgotten my password and/or my username, do I sign up for a new account?
    No. If you've forgotten either your password or username, please click on this link to request a new temporary password to be sent to you.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    3. I've tried to register but I keep getting an error suggesting that my e-mail address is already in use.
    This means that you've previouly registered using that e-mail address. Please visit this link to request a new temporary password to be sent to you.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  5. #5
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    Apr 2003
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    4. Ok, I have received my new temporary password. Now what?
    Once you've received your new temporary password you must log in with it and then immediately change it to a password of your choice in your profile settings.
    Last edited by Arch_Angel; Aug 6, 2010 at 12:13 PM.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    5. How do I change the details of my profile?
    Click the User CP link on the top of the forum page. Then click the Edit Profile link on the left. Follow the instructions to change the appropriate settings or details.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    6. What is and isn't allowed in my profile?
    Members are allowed to have an avatar (picture) of their choice as well as a short signature. Both the avatar and signature will be displayed in all posts made by the member and as such they should be publicly acceptable and not commercial in any way or form. Commercial avatars or signatures include those with commercial/company brands and names and links to commercial websites.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  8. #8
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    Apr 2003
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    7. What kind of topics are discussed in the tech forums?
    We discuss anything that's technology-related or website related issues. Topics that fall outside of this description or are deemed by the admin or moderators as inappropriate or unacceptable, WILL BE DELETED! Posts that are considered as advertisements or commercial in nature promoting the products and/or services of a company may also be removed at the discretion of the admin or moderators.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    8. I keep getting logged out when trying to post or navigate the forums using Internet Explorer. What should I do?
    In menu: Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced
    Make sure that Overide automatic cookie handling is checked.
    Make sure that Always allow session cookies is checked.
    Click OK.
    Close and re-start IE.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
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    9. How do I post a new topic?
    Look for the New Thread icon at the top and bottom of each forum. Clicking the icon will allow you to create a new thread/topic.
    "The best software is the one that fits your needs." - A_A

    Virus free since: date unknown
    Anti-virus free since: August 2008

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