What is the best way to obtain some quick money? Whether it be loans or so...the legal way?
What is the best way to obtain some quick money? Whether it be loans or so...the legal way?
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Free Thinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, beliefs for privileges. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking; where it is absent, discussion is apt to become worse than useless.
what? I am talking about money!Originally Posted by Nastrodamus
the quickest way to make money is to deal with mass volume of buying and selling items. like 500 rats, or 300 keyboards. they sell quick because ur profit margin is low, and u make nuff money because of the volume u sell
I know, that is the slogan for Herbalife.Originally Posted by pcchick
It all depends on how quick is quick PCChick.
Free Thinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, beliefs for privileges. This state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking; where it is absent, discussion is apt to become worse than useless.
Found this to be useful.
Ways to earn quick cash
I think I will try some of these.
fi real u nuh i should try some of those stuffs... good tips
***Note to the public***
Since ppl are a tad bit confused as to whether i happen to be male/female... i hope this will clear the air i am a FEMALE .. so stop wid da my ute/nigga/dog/man/boy beast ting!!
ive spoken
i should do that yard sale thing still although i basically do that with my techstuff here on techja
I'm going to pawn some stuff, sell some clothes and shoes, and sell some computer parts.
Another good thing is to work for the governent, its extra pcket money. So I decided to work for my PAC here in FL to earn money in amending the COnstistution in reagards to the different demographs of the state. Hope I make a few chillings there.
All this extra money should be enough to save to do my business on the side.
lol those tips are funny, not that I am strapped for cash but...
Have a yard sale: I often sell anything I dont see the need for
Get a part-time job: no time for this
Sell something that is a cash drain: I have none of these
Rent out a spare room: I live in a studio Apt.
Quit drinking and smoking: Never took them up coz I knew I wouldnt be able to afford it.
Track your spending for one month: I have always tracked my incoming and outgoings
Cancel cable TV: They cut it off two months ago
Recycle some trash: N/A
Turn a hobby into cash: In the process of acquiring a hobby
Pack your own lunch and coffee: My lunch is already free.
Pogi Tuner.