How do you see the future of Jamaica with solar power. Warning Personal Morals inside!
As a member of the colony, I would like to see the colony progress, as an example to the other colonies, so that Earth stands a better chance of survival if there is a global cataclysm. The more colonies that can stand on their own, then the more colonies that can actually offer assistance to "developed" countries. If there is a cataclysm, supply chains may get disrupted, some of which were purposely designed to control the colonies IMO, supply chains which are not necessary for any other purpose, and this would put colonies at a disadvantage in survival. Basically we import things that we do not need to, especially essential stuff.
Imagine if every business in Jamaica had a selfish mindset, and only seek to make profit for themselves. Sometimes that path is not clear. That company may not be able to start any agenda that makes extra money but they may can do something for other business. For example, they may be in a position to promote tourism. With more tourism in Jamaica, other business can grow. If those business have a unselfish mindset they may can do the same for other business and so on which will eventually benefit the first company. Think of another hypothetical example, if you can help US citizens prosper in their country, then it may be likely that they will travel and spend on their vacation, and we can benefit if they come here. Thus you would want to see their economy prosper. Just bear in mind that being unselfish lets you see the bigger picture, more things you can do or offer, and not be near sighted as some parasites.
I see the future eventually being focused on maintenance or other services, and manufacturing.
Solar panel manufacturing can be done in Jamaica, hopefully by progressive private companies. This would give jobs and business shares to Jamaicans (Hopefully with the later) This has optimization that * Jamaica is a market for it * This would alleviate the world production strain of panels (World production of panels is far below demand) * Shipping distance is short * Solar power is clean * Solar power is closer to free
How Solar Panels Are Made
Please watch this
We will probably need to import this for now.
Lithium iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4 Battery) lithium iron phosphate battery (LFP (lithium ferro-phosphate), or Li-IP) is a type of lithium-ion battery using lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as the cathode material, and a graphitic carbon electrode with a metallic backing as the anode. Because of their lower cost, high safety, low toxicity, long cycle life and other factors, LFP batteries are finding a number of roles in vehicle use, utility-scale stationary applications, and backup power. LFP batteries are cobalt-free. As of Q1 2021, LFP type battery market share reached 24.1%, with Chinese manufacturers holding a near monopoly, and is expected to rise further to surpass NMC type batteries in 2028.
The idea is not to rely too much on other countries for necessary items. However due to the non-availability of the raw material, and until we manufacture alternative types of energy storage, until then, this may be a needed import.(I am busy with a sick one, at times, or with other projects, to research on this now)
Another thing Jamaica can do is manufacture electric vehicles with carbon fibre bodies. Please don't let me alone research. Add your research and ideas here. Hopefully the powers that be can make some real progress happen in the colonies for Earth's benefit, eventually.
(P.S. A carbon fibre frame may be used to substitute the aluminum frame of the solar panel above. The carbon fibre plant, and panel plant, can operate in the day and only on solar power eventually.
Houses are more efficient in spatial usage. When there is no land space to put a solar farm, there is always still the roof of houses which can provide enough power to houses, when houses are one stories tall or so. Solar farms should be a back up, and not forced to be used as a service. People will eventually buy there own solar panels for non city like dwellings. Thus the business heads should focus elsewhere, like on services, provided solar renewables take off in the future. People could also have electric cars and charge them at there homes. Thus business head should look elsewhere like maintenance or manufacturing.
What do you see as the future businesses in a world run by Renewables?
How do u see future businesses when renewable is mainstream, provided it happens, if it happens. JPS is aiming to be a facilitator. If everyone no longer have light bill. How would the industry adjust. I see battery recycling to raw material business. Similarly solar cell recycling. Solar manufacturing. Electric vehicle manufacturing (including new types of construction vehicles), and robotics design. Maybe a private business can provide emergency power. Say, some generic low cost stationary batteries storing many kilowatt (kwh) is at a business site. Whenever there is need for power, say for a hospital or important business, or houses (like in a prolonged cloudy weather system over a town depleting houses' battery reserves), then Electric trailers with fast charge/discharge back haul lithium pack would be filled from the kilowatt batteries. The trailers would then drive to the destination sites such as the home, and recharge the home's power bank and then move to next home. Thus doing business by charging for the kwh. The trailer could also get recharged at a nearby town that has a working grid. I see myself maybe in game design, competing E athlete games, or robotic design (need to post more on this). But it would be nice to own a part of a business, as in Shares. Sheikhs may rush to invest in solar when people "mostly" stop buy their oil. There could be jobs in washing solar panels using water close to the temperature of the panel to prevent micro-cracks, but slightly cooler. Picture of truck with a robotic arm with mounted water turret and camera, adjustable blast pressure.
(Rant coming on education if I have time. Grade 3 children could get a fudge stick project to design a concept truck. Education rant coming later, hopefully, we should not be taught to think like drones, but more on improving designs, rather than only accepting old designs)
(Discussion video on Solar )
I believe in having Back ups. We should have a back up for solar. This can be a Wind farm public infrastructure or petroleum power plant . What if a cataclysm darkens the sky.
Developed countries can have nuclear power plants that run as standby, rather minimum level output. (P.S. Redesign of Nuclear plant to be a question post)
Moral rant.
Land and earth resources morally should belong to us all. I don't care if one person wants to own half of the earth, as long as everyone else can own a little piece for themselves. Enough land to live should be own by all, just like air and water. Basic needs should be minimal service cost from government by my moral compass.
Parasite energy will try an own all the solar farms and sell it as a service which is not so optimal for the survival of earth just like how they do with fruit trees. I think I have seen the construction of towns and parks that had a landscape with some fruit trees that were removed and not replanted. If so I wonder why. Homeless people would have to leave or beg to by bottled fruit produced elsewhere. If there is a cataclysm, we Jamaicans should be able to survive easily on fruit trees, even babies can live somewhat on some fruits like mango and melon and breasts, and not necessarily need baby formula should there be a supply chain shortage.
Rent is a service I guess, but in my belief it should be morally fair, albeit not everyone share the same moral compass, what can be morally outrageous by some, others may not give a flying. Example, someone can just immediately fire staff with very short notice for profit without consideration for staff welfare. Back to rent, say a cost of production of what is being rented, is P (including loan and interest and 2 P is the interest max that would be made on the rent venture, and xP is the maintenance cost per year. n years is the lifetime of commodity. 0.75 is estimated for usage (not all time it is rented) 15 year expected to make back P after which P depreciates unless major revamp/renovation. Basically it is still up to the renter to charge whatever they want but a reasonable value can be calculated morally from these factors. However moral is not universal.