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Thread: What do you see in the future of Solar Businesses?

  1. #1
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    Default What do you see in the future of Solar Businesses?

    How do you see the future of Jamaica with solar power. Warning Personal Morals inside!

    As a member of the colony, I would like to see the colony progress, as an example to the other colonies, so that Earth stands a better chance of survival if there is a global cataclysm. The more colonies that can stand on their own, then the more colonies that can actually offer assistance to "developed" countries. If there is a cataclysm, supply chains may get disrupted, some of which were purposely designed to control the colonies IMO, supply chains which are not necessary for any other purpose, and this would put colonies at a disadvantage in survival. Basically we import things that we do not need to, especially essential stuff.

    Imagine if every business in Jamaica had a selfish mindset, and only seek to make profit for themselves. Sometimes that path is not clear. That company may not be able to start any agenda that makes extra money but they may can do something for other business. For example, they may be in a position to promote tourism. With more tourism in Jamaica, other business can grow. If those business have a unselfish mindset they may can do the same for other business and so on which will eventually benefit the first company. Think of another hypothetical example, if you can help US citizens prosper in their country, then it may be likely that they will travel and spend on their vacation, and we can benefit if they come here. Thus you would want to see their economy prosper. Just bear in mind that being unselfish lets you see the bigger picture, more things you can do or offer, and not be near sighted as some parasites.

    I see the future eventually being focused on maintenance or other services, and manufacturing.

    Solar panel manufacturing can be done in Jamaica, hopefully by progressive private companies. This would give jobs and business shares to Jamaicans (Hopefully with the later) This has optimization that * Jamaica is a market for it * This would alleviate the world production strain of panels (World production of panels is far below demand) * Shipping distance is short * Solar power is clean * Solar power is closer to free

    How Solar Panels Are Made

    Please watch this

    We will probably need to import this for now.
    Lithium iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4 Battery)
    The lithium iron phosphate battery (LFP (lithium ferro-phosphate), or Li-IP) is a type of lithium-ion battery using lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as the cathode material, and a graphitic carbon electrode with a metallic backing as the anode. Because of their lower cost, high safety, low toxicity, long cycle life and other factors, LFP batteries are finding a number of roles in vehicle use, utility-scale stationary applications, and backup power. LFP batteries are cobalt-free. As of Q1 2021, LFP type battery market share reached 24.1%, with Chinese manufacturers holding a near monopoly, and is expected to rise further to surpass NMC type batteries in 2028.
    The idea is not to rely too much on other countries for necessary items. However due to the non-availability of the raw material, and until we manufacture alternative types of energy storage, until then, this may be a needed import.(I am busy with a sick one, at times, or with other projects, to research on this now)

    Another thing Jamaica can do is manufacture electric vehicles with carbon fibre bodies. Please don't let me alone research. Add your research and ideas here. Hopefully the powers that be can make some real progress happen in the colonies for Earth's benefit, eventually.
    (P.S. A carbon fibre frame may be used to substitute the aluminum frame of the solar panel above. The carbon fibre plant, and panel plant, can operate in the day and only on solar power eventually.

    Houses are more efficient in spatial usage. When there is no land space to put a solar farm, there is always still the roof of houses which can provide enough power to houses, when houses are one stories tall or so. Solar farms should be a back up, and not forced to be used as a service. People will eventually buy there own solar panels for non city like dwellings. Thus the business heads should focus elsewhere, like on services, provided solar renewables take off in the future. People could also have electric cars and charge them at there homes. Thus business head should look elsewhere like maintenance or manufacturing.

    What do you see as the future businesses in a world run by Renewables?

    How do u see future businesses when renewable is mainstream, provided it happens, if it happens. JPS is aiming to be a facilitator. If everyone no longer have light bill. How would the industry adjust. I see battery recycling to raw material business. Similarly solar cell recycling. Solar manufacturing. Electric vehicle manufacturing (including new types of construction vehicles), and robotics design. Maybe a private business can provide emergency power. Say, some generic low cost stationary batteries storing many kilowatt (kwh) is at a business site. Whenever there is need for power, say for a hospital or important business, or houses (like in a prolonged cloudy weather system over a town depleting houses' battery reserves), then Electric trailers with fast charge/discharge back haul lithium pack would be filled from the kilowatt batteries. The trailers would then drive to the destination sites such as the home, and recharge the home's power bank and then move to next home. Thus doing business by charging for the kwh. The trailer could also get recharged at a nearby town that has a working grid. I see myself maybe in game design, competing E athlete games, or robotic design (need to post more on this). But it would be nice to own a part of a business, as in Shares. Sheikhs may rush to invest in solar when people "mostly" stop buy their oil. There could be jobs in washing solar panels using water close to the temperature of the panel to prevent micro-cracks, but slightly cooler. Picture of truck with a robotic arm with mounted water turret and camera, adjustable blast pressure.

    (Rant coming on education if I have time. Grade 3 children could get a fudge stick project to design a concept truck. Education rant coming later, hopefully, we should not be taught to think like drones, but more on improving designs, rather than only accepting old designs)

    (Discussion video on Solar )

    I believe in having Back ups. We should have a back up for solar. This can be a Wind farm public infrastructure or petroleum power plant . What if a cataclysm darkens the sky.

    Developed countries can have nuclear power plants that run as standby, rather minimum level output. (P.S. Redesign of Nuclear plant to be a question post)

    Moral rant.

    Land and earth resources morally should belong to us all. I don't care if one person wants to own half of the earth, as long as everyone else can own a little piece for themselves. Enough land to live should be own by all, just like air and water. Basic needs should be minimal service cost from government by my moral compass.

    Parasite energy will try an own all the solar farms and sell it as a service which is not so optimal for the survival of earth just like how they do with fruit trees. I think I have seen the construction of towns and parks that had a landscape with some fruit trees that were removed and not replanted. If so I wonder why. Homeless people would have to leave or beg to by bottled fruit produced elsewhere. If there is a cataclysm, we Jamaicans should be able to survive easily on fruit trees, even babies can live somewhat on some fruits like mango and melon and breasts, and not necessarily need baby formula should there be a supply chain shortage.

    Rent is a service I guess, but in my belief it should be morally fair, albeit not everyone share the same moral compass, what can be morally outrageous by some, others may not give a flying. Example, someone can just immediately fire staff with very short notice for profit without consideration for staff welfare. Back to rent, say a cost of production of what is being rented, is P (including loan and interest and 2 P is the interest max that would be made on the rent venture, and xP is the maintenance cost per year. n years is the lifetime of commodity. 0.75 is estimated for usage (not all time it is rented) 15 year expected to make back P after which P depreciates unless major revamp/renovation. Basically it is still up to the renter to charge whatever they want but a reasonable value can be calculated morally from these factors. However moral is not universal.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  2. #2
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    Long read @crosswire - I didn't finish. I'll review over the weekend and send a proper response. Been sick. Again. The bad flu that's been going around.

    There's been a lot of info going around - some rumors some real - but as it stands, power companies don't like solar. Interestingly though - JPS does sell some solar stuff. Same JPS I've heard is trying to ensure that charging stations for EVs should only be done on grid. What sense would that make if you have solar at your home?

    A truth that I've come to accept is simply - every business is in business to make a profit. Even non-profit organizations need to have some profit - whether break even or not - to operate. Some businesses have actual interests overlapping their business model - for example an IT company with persons that genuinely love IT - but the bottom line is always the most important thing.

    That being said. Every company here has only one purpose. Milk the country. Some do it better than others. Some find inventive ways to do so - FLOW/Digicel for example - but some don't really care. Banks try to mask their things to make it look good for you. Etc. Etc.

    I believe every household should be self-sufficient in some way. Even if it's a daytime setup to reduce the overall load - or a simply night setup to run lights only. A garden. Maybe some animals. Or maybe back to some bartering. But yes - we've evolved and become highly dependent on power. I think at some point Toshiba had a self-contained nuclear plant...

    The issue again - is greed. Big oil and big pharma don't like certain progressions. The sudden deaths of people who had articles about vehicles running on water - two different persons I can recall. The fact that there are major fights to suppress renewable energy if the big companies aren't the ones providing it. Lots of things....

    The problem is also priorities. Some people don't see the need to move from where they are. TBH - if your light bill is under 10k per month, you probably don't need solar. When mine started to go over 20k then I had to do things to move away. It took over a year - close to 2 years - to get things to where I'm mostly off-grid. I pay 2k-5k per month to JPS currently. Only when there's not enough sun - I need more/newer panels.

    I've provided information to friends and family about it when I started the journey, but I've stopped trying to drown the horses. Dragging them - not leading - DRAGGING them to water is tiring enough.

    I won't profess to be as enlightened as others or as versed as others in certain fields, but I do try to have general knowledge in matters of things that I use daily - or things that I potentially want to use. I've learned a lot about solar since the journey. I've shared. Very few actually started.

    Where land is concerned - since I glossed and saw you got into that a bit - greed is again the issue. I believe it was said that the entire world population could hold in Florida. Then the rest of the world could be used for other things. The problem is that people always want more. Nothing wrong with that really, because there is enough. But the way things are structured - and the way HUMANS are - it wouldn't work.

    I wouldn't say Jacksonville - I'd say Florida on a whole to be more comfortable. But if sardine packed people can live in a single city - then an entire state would be fine. A bit more space. And if you spaced it out a bit - we could all live fine. Anyways.

    When I'm back on the weekend and have the time - I'll review and give a sectional answer.
    Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by khat17 View Post
    The issue again - is greed. Big oil and big pharma don't like certain progressions. The sudden deaths of people who had articles about vehicles running on water - two different persons I can recall. The fact that there are major fights to suppress renewable energy if the big companies aren't the ones providing it. Lots of things....
    Driving priority : Survival

    Parasite mindset is too selfish to see beyond their own well being. This is Nearsightedness. A world filled with only parasites would end swiftly, several different ways simultaneously.

    Fortunately, the world is not filled with only parasites. Progressive mindset is able to see the benefits of surviving even if that means everyone else benefits. We depend on electric power, and we all will loose in climate change. (This is a topic I have planned to post with explanation. I will try to make the long read a bit more exiting.) It would be smart, rather wise, to have these both in supply and in back up. Example, a parasite crew would wreck the world, by not caring, and then they would go live in an environment greenhouse where they alone benefit, (getting power mostly from only burning oil) and be unaware that such an artificial home has more points of failure than needs be. Plus it would be more difficulty in maintain. Also, such homes would be rare. A progressive crew would heal the world, and put focus on the source of the problem, then cooperating countries would benefit from having an optimal climate. Homes built would have less points of failure. There would be many of them. (Power source would be diversified.) Chance of survival would be higher than in the prior case.

    Another example: if I had 44 Billion US dollars, I could give away 90% of it. That's about 40B. I could give it to 1 million Jamaicans. That is about 1 in every 3 Jamaican would benefit. Each person would get about $40,000 USD. People can benefit from greatly from that. Then, they could each spend 10,000usd on a killer solar setup, 20,000usd on a small EV (Electric vehicle)(provided that the price drops from the great demand), and 10,000usd on home improvement. I would still have about 4 Billion left. I could then spend 1 B on a solar plant (It may not cost that much see *). It might be massive and we could export the excess. I could then use the remaining 3 B and invest some in a EV designing and manufacturing plant, and live good with some of it. Jamaicans would be more likely to purchase EV and panels because the economy was stimulated earlier, and they already have an investment in the solar renewable ecosystem. While on the other hand, I could be more selfish and nearsighted, and invest in a e-platform to work with parasitic politicians to achieve nothing at best.
    (* Guestimation 10-20 mil US max for something proper with solar powering melting the silicon ingot lowering the operation cost
    As a rough idea of mean cost, it would be around 8–10 crores.
    crore (plural crore or crores) (India) ten million; 10,000,000
    Sep 13, 2010 — At current rate of exchange of 1 USD = 69INR one crore (10 million) is roughly equal to around 145,000 US Dollars.

    I would pledge the idea to investors with a progressive mindset. Evil will reign so long as good people do nothing (break down of Sir Einstein) Private progressive investors could go to countries like Jamaica and set up shop. I believe there is profit for them to make in this venture. Too bad I have so little faith in our government. Even big oil is welcome. They have the choice. It depends on their vision.

    Regarding "sudden deaths", Yes, eyebrow raising sudden deaths have plagued every positive moving force in our recorded history, too much to get into here, but that has not stopped the good left in this world. We are not all parasites. PS. Parasite is relative to another thinking. My thinking would be Parasitic relative to an even more Progressive thinking.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by khat17 View Post
    I've provided information to friends and family about it when I started the journey, but I've stopped trying to drown the horses. Dragging them - not leading - DRAGGING them to water is tiring enough.

    I won't profess to be as enlightened as others or as versed as others in certain fields, but I do try to have general knowledge in matters of things that I use daily - or things that I potentially want to use. I've learned a lot about solar since the journey. I've shared. Very few actually started.
    Congrats on your solar setup

    Aaaaaaam, I wonder how much the psychology of people to follow the masses rather than a single good idea have in common with the above. Also, the psychology to accept change and try something new, even when people compute for themselves that something is a good idea, can affect people in being afraid to try that idea.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by crosswire View Post
    How do you see the future of Jamaica with solar power. Warning Personal Morals inside!

    As a member of the colony, I would like to see the colony progress, as an example to the other colonies, so that Earth stands a better chance of survival if there is a global cataclysm. The more colonies that can stand on their own, then the more colonies that can actually offer assistance to "developed" countries. If there is a cataclysm, supply chains may get disrupted, some of which were purposely designed to control the colonies IMO, supply chains which are not necessary for any other purpose, and this would put colonies at a disadvantage in survival. Basically we import things that we do not need to, especially essential stuff.
    This is an issue that I've pointed out to friends and family members repeatedly. Why the Hölle do we even import water? Sugar? Anyways...

    Quote Originally Posted by crosswire View Post
    Imagine if every business in Jamaica had a selfish mindset, and only seek to make profit for themselves. Sometimes that path is not clear. That company may not be able to start any agenda that makes extra money but they may can do something for other business. For example, they may be in a position to promote tourism. With more tourism in Jamaica, other business can grow. If those business have a unselfish mindset they may can do the same for other business and so on which will eventually benefit the first company. Think of another hypothetical example, if you can help US citizens prosper in their country, then it may be likely that they will travel and spend on their vacation, and we can benefit if they come here. Thus you would want to see their economy prosper. Just bear in mind that being unselfish lets you see the bigger picture, more things you can do or offer, and not be near sighted as some parasites.

    I see the future eventually being focused on maintenance or other services, and manufacturing.
    An unfortunate truth that I've had to accept - after multiple conversations with friends - is that no company goes into business to NOT make a profit. Even "non-profit" organizations have to turn some profit to keep the lights on. And "for-profit" organizations are even worse. Aside from being in a specialized industry, being in the general tech industry helps to give some insight into stuff. If you've ever set up and used IP PBX systems you'd know the amount of traffic it takes. I'll say nothing more on that regarding Digicel/FLOW.

    Every single company that comes here has the sole intention to milk the country. Some companies have even changed hands repeatedly (JPS/Alpart/Windalco/etc) and believe me - they're making a profit.

    Quote Originally Posted by crosswire View Post
    Solar panel manufacturing can be done in Jamaica, hopefully by progressive private companies. This would give jobs and business shares to Jamaicans (Hopefully with the later) This has optimization that * Jamaica is a market for it * This would alleviate the world production strain of panels (World production of panels is far below demand) * Shipping distance is short * Solar power is clean * Solar power is closer to free

    How Solar Panels Are Made

    Please watch this

    We will probably need to import this for now.
    Lithium iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4 Battery)
    The idea is not to rely too much on other countries for necessary items. However due to the non-availability of the raw material, and until we manufacture alternative types of energy storage, until then, this may be a needed import.(I am busy with a sick one, at times, or with other projects, to research on this now)

    Another thing Jamaica can do is manufacture electric vehicles with carbon fibre bodies. Please don't let me alone research. Add your research and ideas here. Hopefully the powers that be can make some real progress happen in the colonies for Earth's benefit, eventually.
    (P.S. A carbon fibre frame may be used to substitute the aluminum frame of the solar panel above. The carbon fibre plant, and panel plant, can operate in the day and only on solar power eventually.
    Again. The problem here is greed. Now - I don't need to qualify this for most people, but let me do so all the same. All information posted online is in a public space. The information that I post here is entirely my "OPINION" and does not contain "FACTS". Any offence caused as a result is unintentional and an apology will be provided as required. However, the information - unless explicitly stated as untrue, slanderous or otherwise undesirable, will remain as posted for the flow of the conversation.

    Now with that out of the way. Let's get...dirty? Politics. Poly tricks. NONE of these politicians in Jamaica actually have the interest of the country at heart. They're doing a fine job of "doing their jobs" - but the things that happen in the background come off as "common knowledge to John Public. From I was a whelp I'd hear about how the process works.

    Politician Tom gets the approval/money for the project. Let's say 30 million. He puts 10 million in his pocket. He then gives his friend Bob at NWA 20 million for the project, who then puts 5 million in his pocket. It trickles down to Joe who now has 15 million to work with. Maybe Joe will pinch 1-2 million out of it or a few hundred thousand, but the project will then have to get done using far less than was originally calculated or budgeted for it. Another thing that would be done could be kickbacks or maybe dividends. If the person/s involved "invested" money into the project, they will continue to earn from it.

    The sale of the natural resources of the country to foreign companies and countries is another issue. But - when will it end? Probably never. Greed and selfishness is the order of the day for ALL of the people in power. While there may be SOME that aren't like that, the general story is they either comply and get corrupted, get pushed out of office or get silenced. Whichever way.

    Ran out of space so have to split the post in two.
    Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by crosswire View Post
    Houses are more efficient in spatial usage. When there is no land space to put a solar farm, there is always still the roof of houses which can provide enough power to houses, when houses are one stories tall or so. Solar farms should be a back up, and not forced to be used as a service. People will eventually buy there own solar panels for non city like dwellings. Thus the business heads should focus elsewhere, like on services, provided solar renewables take off in the future. People could also have electric cars and charge them at there homes. Thus business head should look elsewhere like maintenance or manufacturing.

    What do you see as the future businesses in a world run by Renewables?

    How do u see future businesses when renewable is mainstream, provided it happens, if it happens. JPS is aiming to be a facilitator. If everyone no longer have light bill. How would the industry adjust. I see battery recycling to raw material business. Similarly solar cell recycling. Solar manufacturing. Electric vehicle manufacturing (including new types of construction vehicles), and robotics design. Maybe a private business can provide emergency power. Say, some generic low cost stationary batteries storing many kilowatt (kwh) is at a business site. Whenever there is need for power, say for a hospital or important business, or houses (like in a prolonged cloudy weather system over a town depleting houses' battery reserves), then Electric trailers with fast charge/discharge back haul lithium pack would be filled from the kilowatt batteries. The trailers would then drive to the destination sites such as the home, and recharge the home's power bank and then move to next home. Thus doing business by charging for the kwh. The trailer could also get recharged at a nearby town that has a working grid. I see myself maybe in game design, competing E athlete games, or robotic design (need to post more on this). But it would be nice to own a part of a business, as in Shares. Sheikhs may rush to invest in solar when people "mostly" stop buy their oil. There could be jobs in washing solar panels using water close to the temperature of the panel to prevent micro-cracks, but slightly cooler. Picture of truck with a robotic arm with mounted water turret and camera, adjustable blast pressure.

    (Rant coming on education if I have time. Grade 3 children could get a fudge stick project to design a concept truck. Education rant coming later, hopefully, we should not be taught to think like drones, but more on improving designs, rather than only accepting old designs)

    (Discussion video on Solar )

    I believe in having Back ups. We should have a back up for solar. This can be a Wind farm public infrastructure or petroleum power plant . What if a cataclysm darkens the sky.

    Developed countries can have nuclear power plants that run as standby, rather minimum level output. (P.S. Redesign of Nuclear plant to be a question post)
    Some good ideas and I agree with them. The issue again - if the big established companies can't profit off it, why would they consider it? They have their processes already worked out - why do you want change? Are you mad? LoL.

    Ways to better mankind and help everyone, but then there would be the problem of control. How do you control the masses when everyone has a basic IQ of 95 and enough resources to be self-sufficient?

    On the point of panels. They're being made far more efficient these days. One of the new panels has more output than 3-4 of the older ones. While some of them are a bit LONGER, they've kept the WIDTH about the same - for uniform bracketing. You can still have the overall surface area of the roof used for solar panels and get more output versus older panels. There are practical examples that I've personally seen where you can easily observe the difference in output and charge rate with newer panels versus older ones.

    JPS does facilitate some of the changes, but they do want to ensure that they're still the primary provider. If they can have the monopoly then fine. If they can't - it's an issue. All these new places with solar stuff - it's an issue for them. It's never about ensuring that the COUNTRY moves forward - it's about the bottom line.

    And ran out of space again - so splitting in 3.
    Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by crosswire View Post
    Moral rant.

    Land and earth resources morally should belong to us all. I don't care if one person wants to own half of the earth, as long as everyone else can own a little piece for themselves. Enough land to live should be own by all, just like air and water. Basic needs should be minimal service cost from government by my moral compass.

    Parasite energy will try an own all the solar farms and sell it as a service which is not so optimal for the survival of earth just like how they do with fruit trees. I think I have seen the construction of towns and parks that had a landscape with some fruit trees that were removed and not replanted. If so I wonder why. Homeless people would have to leave or beg to by bottled fruit produced elsewhere. If there is a cataclysm, we Jamaicans should be able to survive easily on fruit trees, even babies can live somewhat on some fruits like mango and melon and breasts, and not necessarily need baby formula should there be a supply chain shortage.

    Rent is a service I guess, but in my belief it should be morally fair, albeit not everyone share the same moral compass, what can be morally outrageous by some, others may not give a flying. Example, someone can just immediately fire staff with very short notice for profit without consideration for staff welfare. Back to rent, say a cost of production of what is being rented, is P (including loan and interest and 2 P is the interest max that would be made on the rent venture, and xP is the maintenance cost per year. n years is the lifetime of commodity. 0.75 is estimated for usage (not all time it is rented) 15 year expected to make back P after which P depreciates unless major revamp/renovation. Basically it is still up to the renter to charge whatever they want but a reasonable value can be calculated morally from these factors. However moral is not universal.
    I talked about space and stuff in the previous post. Again. Greed. What we need are people in power that have the COUNTRY and the PEOPLE in their hearts - and have the interests of both taken into consideration each time. I could make mention again of lots of stuff. Dredging of oceans near known turtle breeding grounds. Sale of beaches. Sale of natural resources (water sources).

    I'll tell you what @crosswire - your approach and statements remind me of Hedley Jones.

    Funny that he has an article on Wikipedia. He was a really nice guy. Great to talk to. Someone who had the best interests of the country - and the world at large - at heart. Jamaica did NOTHING for him that I could see. He lived in MoBay - Catherine Hall - in one of the prefab houses. Tiny. No space. No workspace. He did what he could with what he had. And he always put the needs of the many over the needs of himself. In the words of someone else - he saw the forest, not the trees.

    The overall problem with the world - and if you want to take it home directly (scammers, criminals, politicians, etc) - is selfishness. It's all about what they want. In another word - the immediate "food". To give a better analogy for everyone - especially drivers- it's like a taxi driver looking for "a food" on the road. When I was growing up, you want a ride on public transport? You stick your hand out like you hitchhiking. Now? If your fingernail flaps in the wind they literally throw the car to the side you're on - no indicator - no warning. This is the same mentality shared by John Public - including politicians.

    We take literal baby steps towards progress. We have little to no influence on what takes place in the world around us. And regardless of your contribution to the world or the country, expect nothing in return. What to do then? Become like John Public? Yes. In a way.

    As I mentioned about the horses and drowning them - we have multiple options for public spaces. You've done a great job of posting details that can cause others to THINK. Not many will. At least you'd have put the information out there. My input on what you've started would be this...on being self-sufficient.

    This is not the Christian "time of trouble" kind of advice - but being prepared is always a good thing. Invest in water catchment systems to reduce reliance on NWC. Invest in a pump and filtration system. These take time, but once you have the build done, you can then stock up on filters and either replace them or reuse them after cleaning. Depending on your setup.

    Invest in solar - but be careful with the build out. You cannot - or should not - mix panels with different outputs. Similar to RAM and speeds, the faster ones will operate at the speed of the slower ones - the higher output panels will be hampered by the lower output ones if mixed. You'll have to set up different charge controllers for the mixed panels. Yes you can mix PWM and MPPT. You can at least lower your bill and then change your lifestyle to match your production. Setup a daytime system at first and then add the batteries - the inverter and batteries will be the most expensive set. The inverter may run 200k but batteries are like 45k EACH. And you may need 2-3 banks of batteries depending on the types. The newer lithium batteries are more expensive as well. You can purchase the items one at a time and add them as you go along - then get the batteries last.

    Find ways to make use of your available space for growing. Have you seen the price for sweet peppers and tomatoes these days? Plant a little garden. If you don't have the yard space for it, eliminate the flowers and use plants that you can eat. Try to plant the things that you'd use and push for that. Do what you can to save on your overall expenses.

    Lastly. I don't know where you work or what you do, but most businesses really don't care about you. Friends and family do - sometimes. Focus on yourself. Build what you can. Lead by example with these things and others will follow. That's all I got for now. Keep safe all.
    Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".

  8. #8
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    Read through it all.
    Agree maybe 95%
    A lot of good and truthful information.
    Still digesting it.
    Will read it some more and respond more.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  9. #9
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    Really hope I don’t get assassinated. Will continue for the flow of positive info.

    One day, to get the label of “inventor” is sort of flattering, but to be labeled as a “progressive element” right now is even more flattering. Thank you.

    Einstein, Tesla, and Ramanujan could be labels as inventors (or inventor of maths stuff). What I admire most about them was that they gave a fish about others and positive living. They were passionate about the well being of the world, or their country, which they could help. Working on inventions was a secondary goal in that respect. Just like the Jamaican, Hedley Jones, they wanted to see people benefit first. Unfortunately i didn’t know that Jamaican until now, I bet he would like to see his fellow Jamaicans prosper rather than his name in lights.

    On the topic of invention, they did what they loved, in another respect. The difficulty was to have a working invention of practical use. I would like to follow their example until I succeed in this respect. This would make me happy (in myself and for others), and proud, and maybe financially better off.

    Parasites will try to use inventors for there own selfish projects. In today’s time, this can affect the education that gifted children receive. P.S. we are all gifted in our own way. It is just that some gifts are targeted more by some parasites. I want to stay as far from war as possible and hope that if I do have an invention it is positive like speaker amplifiers. This would guarantee my happiness in others and pride. Something that means nothing to parasites. High level parasites just feel happy when they benefit and nothing for others)

    As a child, before 10y and a few after, I used to build stuff. For example, I built roads in the ground by rolling it with somethings round, wetting it when necessary, and filling the crack with clay soil. This was done in the backyard near to a concrete pit I played on sheltered by almond tree. Match sticks used as light post along the way.
    About a foot sized length bridge out of only match stick and glue. Bridge had leading and trailing incline to the body with rails and overhead support
    Build a truck out of cardboard (realism level high), jet plane, etc
    Build a metal truck, trailer front, realism x10, from toothpaste container and glue. Not the flat front truck, the one with protruded engine, with bumper, wheel guard at front and back, muffler. I had my tools. Back then, aluminum tube toothpaste was common. I would collect the finished tube. Cut the tube with scissors, wash it, rub it down on a flat surface to get a sheet. Use something to bend straight angles. (I had my tools, there was one for wrapping around to make a cylinder) Just remembered: Also did a an aluminum jet plane with working layman booster
    (P.S. I had no ill intention, mostly at least)
    With electric motors came car designs / planes/ helicopter/ boats, propeller design (many cut from material like margarine cover and twisting it, and at least one I carved from a piece of carpenter’s wood.)
    Way of generating electricity, all kind of things I play round with.
    Explosive boosters on cars (saved up little lunch money and bought the pack of boxed matches ie several match boxes inside p.s. I think I built more things with match sticks during that phase.
    Later, dismantle scribs and flying ones, before they were banned out and was shocked how scribs had a small amount of powder (later learn that it was a purer form than what I used with the match stick) I was a kid. I had a big load of time, especially in summer. I would shell off the black powder, sulfur I used to call it, from the match stick and collect the black powder and the stick. A few boxes would be done to get enough for a launch. That phase I would go through box after box of matches. Aluminum cylinders of different design with one end sealed and a tail wings sometimes on other were then packed tightly with the black powder and mounted by itself or on wheels. A trail was build with black powder. The ignition heat was so intense sometimes that the metal at the opened end got eaten out.
    Electrolyze water over night with an adapter and try to capture the oxygen. Did not collect even though i saw gas bubbles. I remember trying and gave up when my paper clip steal electrode got black and mocky in the water. Much later in school, I learn about inert electrode, which I should have used, but my building days were behind me. Girls time or lack thereof. It was much later that i had free time again. I forgot i used to do all this until quite recently. I could go on if i could remember more. Just remember building a lot of stuff. (P.S. I did not just spend all my time building, I play scrimmage, and I got second hand Atari. Later temp trade for colecovision. In early high school, saved up part of, and with Aunty help overseas, I got a Nintendo

    Education rant: Education could have been different growing up

    Won 2 childhood scholarships for tests that i did not elect to take but were just fun in taking.

    Point of the long rant is that I think I like to build stuff and also design stuff. The hard part is to keep it positive. I have to be grounded in wanting to help others or else I might go off on a too selfish quest.

    In my adult age, I used a play station emu and slight tweak a small bite the code eg there was a scan lines display mode that calculates pixels on every other line on the screen and that mode was faster than no scan lines, but look a bit retro, I could easily modify the code and I did scan line even then odd. It looked more like real P.S. and was almost as fast as scan lines, because, in each pass it still calculated less. But when I was asked to document its performance improvement, I only had my slow a f machine. It worked for me. I couldn’t share because of insufficient documentation

    I remember trying to build a chess game in my first year of programming out of the fun of seeing the game. Manual input no AI. AI failed but there was genuine desire to do it. I also animated the Hanoi problem. It was not required but it was cool and fun. Yes it was nuff of me. But what is nuff and show off is also simultaneously fun to do even if I have no one to show.

    I have not invented anything yet, but will keep trying because inventing stuff is fun and second nature, when I really look back, rather than just hard work, just time is short these days.

    A problem in Jamaica is that it is hard to get jobs. Wow. It is hard to get a jobs, even with education, certificates. This is evidence of Caesar culture to control the colonies. Another is low wages when imposed with selfish intent. PS There are always new Caesar by a different label with the same energy of selfish vibes.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
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    On the topic of parasites, I would like to share another long story. I have 7+ years with close contact with two high level parasite. One neighbour child who grew from baby to about 10 when I left who had strong belief that he should be in my food supply though I did not believe him to be hungry like that and continuously troubled and fight other smaller children of the yard, not to mention lie and steal from others. It was a big yard with many families children.
    And a coworker. And a short time with another.
    Played some mind games with them because of my nature. Saw the destructiveness of selfishness. However later I learnt that selfish trait is in many people and it is relative. I still see the destructive nature of thinking selfishly. I personally do not want to follow that example, and I want to be an example of how to live positively even though I am not perfect. My positive energy is small (relative to those with more idealistic philosophy). I use what I have. Also I which parasites peace and prosperity. Life is wonderful. I want to help my fellow man be better. I watch international news. I can see the m.o. of parasites. I read history. Imagine the type of people that would run with haste to colonize other countries so far away. Not everyone from Europe, just those who did. We must not forget the many that did not, and the fewer even, that spoke against it. Try to see that not everyone is high level parasite

    Unfortunate parasites are in positions of power, because of their nature. They really do not have as much power as we think, as they lie and deceive people, hold hostage of of what other hearts’ desire in an attempt to manipulate others to get want they want immorally. ps High level parasites have no morals whatsoever and do not give a flying. They may style others, and pretend to have morals to gain favor. They also steal inventions and technology. I dont even mind most of this until a parasite cross the unwritten moral line of hurting and killing others for greed. I dont claim that I know how to work with parasites or deal with them. Often i build, quench my anger and stay positive. It is better to loose hate and be positive. PS parasites do the opposite, they preach hate. I guess I have to live positve by example. Anyone is free to follow, in nature.

    Why do parasites appear to be in power. I believe it is nature, they capitalize on weaknesses. Weakness is relative. A parasite in nature would attack the weaker of the herd, even the young, or the weaknesses of the body like a soft intestine (tape worm) and often hide there present (deception) until it is too late e.g too many large tapeworms. They use poison to numb. Similar to human act of lie-ing to deceive with a selfish intent. This is negative energy relative to those that suffer. There will always be a weak spot, or a weak member of the herd. Such things are not uniform. After parasite get position of power they suck from the host. Their power lie in destruction, eventually the parasite looses as well. I want to be strong in life with positive energy to balance the destructive energy. Position of power is relative. Power to cause destruction for personal gain, or lack of power to heal the world and help others.

    However not all people of power are parasites. Always remember the non uniformity . Just like how parasites target the weak, progressive targets the good in others waiting to emerge. I am expecting profit in the form of better lives for Jamaicans which will help indirectly the live of tourist and their economy when Jamaica can buy more. Beside Solar is a profitable business. Especially for those who monopoly it early. Here is where the US is not as wise as China, but China does not have to give a flying for the rest of the world. This is why I need Jamaica to do what needs to be done for the rest of the west.

    Its is common tactics to control the colonies with parasitic politician and laws, established from day one. I have experienced first hand much of what you have said and I know it to be true.

    Unfortunately, even the colonizers cannot deal with parasites in their midst. Innumerable wars before travel, and as travel was invented, world war one and then two. Parasite power for destruction is no doubt high.

    I plead to the sense of the colonizer that are not so bad, make good sense prevail before the whole world get screwed by parasites again. More countries being lifted positively will increase the chance of survival. Positive energy is not a tactics that parasites can copy and still be parasites. If more counties spent their time and energy improving themselves positively, then they would not have time or need to go invade another country and steal there land. They would be more fully self sufficient. Also parasitic nations spend too much on advance weapons rather than on means of just surviving in the ecosystem on their own two feet, as their intent from day 1 was to conquer and colonize, which make them struggle as a parasite when the host is difficult to feed on, or not existing.

    It is wrong to do wrong just because of the culture, because of parasites in power. It is true that people do that in our culture, but it is overcome-able in my opinion, or my belief. Parasites will more or less be parasite. They can change. We all can change. We are alike relatively. It is difficult to change. I find it quite difficult to change myself for the better, but I pata pata in one gear. Also, there are those who are not parasites but are challenged by hardships (relatively) This is the battle we know IMO

    Expect challenges. Imagine 1/3 of the world as parasites thus 2/3 may not be. It would be challenging for the 2/3 because the 1/3 would lie cheat and steal and kill (Things that the 2/3 would not do) and this would tip the battle odds to 50/50. Parasites being parasites will not play fair at all. It is thus so much more of a challenge to live a positive example. That is what the 2/3 should do to tip the scale.

    A Tesla weather gun would be fun to work on, hypersonic aerodynamics, managing recoil efficiently, etc It would be fun to work on in times of peace. I will ignore as best I can Caesar’s world, and need for paper.

    Anyhow, I will do what I can for myself. Maybe someone else can take the idea and improve it.
    Thanks for the advice on solar. I have still my set up to install. Living from hand to mouth. Low salary control and I am un-progressive and this affects all who I could help. I wonder how much math brains was used to calculated loan interest and min salary for black man at the ‘so called’ end of slavery

    Find ways to make use of your available space for growing. Have you seen the price for sweet peppers and tomatoes these days? Plant a little garden. If you don't have the yard space for it, eliminate the flowers and use plants that you can eat. Try to plant the things that you'd use and push for that. Do what you can to save on your overall expenses.
    Advice of the day
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

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