The thing we need to remember is nothing comes free. If we woke up tomorrow and we found that we were the CEO of Flow or Digicel and called a meeting with the finance department you would quickly realize how expensive it is to run a business and keep it afloat. Between operation bills, salaries, insurance, debt payments and network investment you have to turn a profit for shareholders. We live in a capitalistic free market western society were businesses are free to some extent to set any price for goods or services given they aren't a monopoly. Unless we can prove there is some kind of collusion between those two communications companies then the corruption arguement is mute.
If they feel like data services in Jamaica cost too much the right thing to do is voice your concerns with the Office of Utility regulations who is pushing for billing transparency in our telecommunications industry
here. Not resort to stealing. From the people who steal electricity, communication lines and equiptment and yes data services, the losses are recouped by padding paying customer bills. We need honesty from our people and transparancy from our crtitical infrastruture businesses.
I would argue that maybe we should be getting more for our money compared to other regions but our mobile data services are not as expensive as developed countries like
Canada where the prices are beyond ridicolous.
My personal 2 cents though is that if they spend the time to consume 10K worth of mobile data on your phones and complaning about it maybe they should spend more time being productive instead. Becuase if they were generating revenue from such activity they should be able to afford it.