Its been so long since I have posted anything here. Its been so long that I have made anything useful for myself. I build a little android app for my daughter to track her scores in high school. The reason is that at her school either the teachers are lazy or just do not care but her report card at the end of the term generally does not match what she has in her books. I remembered she got 100% on a project but when she got her report card at the end of the term, 0 was the score for that subject's project.
The app is kind is a tool you use to keep evidence of your completed work and scores which you can then use to compare at the end of a term if the report card is drastically different. The app still has a few little tiny refinements but I will clear those before the month is done. There are many things I would love to add but probably will not due to lack of time and probably little if any interest by others. I hope someone else will find value in this. You can find the app here: I built the app using