Can you connect your PlayStation 4 to use your smart phone internet, wheher be it Digicel 4G or via the phones Wi-Fi.....ect? Are there any technical step by step instructions to follow?
Can you connect your PlayStation 4 to use your smart phone internet, wheher be it Digicel 4G or via the phones Wi-Fi.....ect? Are there any technical step by step instructions to follow?
Last edited by mekeino; Jun 4, 2018 at 02:49 PM.
Don't own the console - but regardless of what it is, once it supports wireless connections you should be able to connect it to your hotspot. Some devices may detect that you're using a phone and warn you of charges and such, but if you're monitoring it or don't care much, you can just let it run and do what it has to do.
Some phones support WPS connections - if your console supports it then you can connect easily. Failing that there's the manual way. Set your hotspot name and password. Connect from the console. Use as you please.
Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".
Thanks for your reply. The only hiccup I had was disabling my dmz mode setting in the router when setting up the hotspot via my Windows 8 tablet, although it connected the connection was weak and often disconnected.
On my phone it showed that it was connected but on the PS4 it failed the required network connection testing when setting up the internet, but in network status on the ps4 it showed everything was connected properly except for the NAT type where I saw no results, just a dash sign. When disconnect the hotspot ps4 device in the phone it also shows on the display connected to the console that it disconnected from network on the ps4. Though the actual internet is unuseable on the console.
Last edited by mekeino; May 31, 2018 at 12:09 PM.
Seems like his router defaults to putting everything in their own zone (AP isolation) - he may be referring to it as DMZ. Thing with a DMZ (if the PS4 is in a DMZ) should be that there are no restrictions. The whole purpose of a De-Militarized Zone is to throw an item out there to the wilds of the interwebs with no protection. No need for NAT, port forwarding or anything. It's just bare.
I suspect that your router is using AP isolation so nothing can talk to anything else. Weird though - not aware of devices doing that out of the box.
Offer is up to help you with the setup this Saturday night or Sunday using TeamViewer (version 11 or lower please). I'll connect and check to see what's going on. If you're up for it grab my TV from this link:
Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".
So sorry I was not able to take advantage of your offer, if you are able a to do it again at another time I would much appreciate it. My PS4 was set to port forward ports but it disabled in the router, are you saying thats a No! No! When the DMZ mode is on in the router?
Last edited by mekeino; Jun 4, 2018 at 12:00 PM.
Offer is still available. I'll send you some info in a PM and you can get in touch with me later. Or you can simply download the tool from the link and it will populate on my contacts list. Just do it about 7PM to make sure I'm available.
Last edited by khat17; Jun 4, 2018 at 12:31 PM.
Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".
I downloaded and installed the v11 of the app.
I was trying to add your 'khat17qs' to contact
but to no avail in the app mines is 'mekeino'.
Last edited by mekeino; Jun 4, 2018 at 07:53 PM.
Morning. I got in later than expected. I saw the machine populate in my list but it was offline. Let me know what time you're available and I'll see if I can connect. I'm not going to be available before about 4PM today. Once you have the program running I will see it as online (once you have internet) and make a connection request. Let me know if you'll be able to run it and about what time.
Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".
About 6:30pm today should be good
on right now
Last edited by mekeino; Jun 5, 2018 at 06:55 PM.