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Thread: Specialized Learning vs General Learning

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by crosswire View Post
    For example, they could attach a recognition app to a school camera system that would alert on violence in the school such as pushing, fighting, drug use, knives and guns present. OK it would be a little more than recognition. Some simple Artificial Intelligence* would be involved.
    I would figure that there are many approaches to a recognition algorithm. (I have never learnt any unfortunately) I am picturing the algo would process video streams of people from different angles, and convert them to an animation of "stick men", viz, only wire-frame for bones and joints, similar to "rag-dolls" in game physics. Then based on the animation, a punch could be detected if the animation observed is closely similar to that of a punch animation. Also a "fall", "kick", etc could be detected.
    Wire-frame animations could be coded in for people and common animals. Now, if a fall was detected, and if a moving object other than a wire-frame person was also detected (e.g. a thrown chair/object) then a physics simulation between the thrown object and the stick man/rag-doll fall could be done to verify the fall observed. The simulation would then also output a suggested impact force that could cause the rag-doll to react, and fall. If the simulation suggests an attack, then a pic or short clip could be sent to the security personnel.
    Furthermore the app could learn, if it keeps on sending useless pics, then the security personel would tag the pic as useless and then that would feedback into the app, and it would remember not to send similar pics.

    (A tweak to the above algo could result in a recognition app that could detect the occurrence of leaving an unattended bag at an airport over 5 mins. Simply the animation of someone walking with a bag and then leaves it)

    Quote Originally Posted by sumo View Post
    I actually think the opposite is the best approach. Expose students to as many aspects of programming as is feasible. Let them see the different kinds of things that can be done and how smart people have solved problems before. Hopefully they get interested in at least one area and start digging further on their own because no amount of school/classes can make you a good programmer - you have to put out the effort on your own.
    True, but when you learn all the 'known' techniques, there may still be other techniques that are left to be 'discovered' that may offer better solutions. You need to remember to keep your mind opened to that possibility.
    Many times technology change, and some methods get obsolete. Some techniques that were learnt may also be wrong or faulty , so don't underestimate yourself that you can create something new or improve something. Don't be tied down to what you learn. If you sensibly and logically think that you can do better then try. However to ovoid reinventing the wheel, you should learn the technology of the wheel, but just don't be binded by it.

    In the simulation field, even when you have done some amount of simulation apps already, you still would have to learn about a new system that you are planning to simulate.
    If you are simulating traffic, you need to have a keen observation of Jamaican drivers:
    how they drive: change lanes, react to potholes, react to water.
    how cars speed up: so stopping and acceleration is modeled right.
    so that your simulated model work closely to reality.
    In a space-time sim, you would have to have knowledge of relativity, and dark matter. The point is, sims has a common mathematical basic, but the actual algorithms depend on the system being modeled. You would have to understand the system so that you can code the algorithm with all the relevant mathematical equations, and logical paths. Also you would have to mathematically estimate some sections. Unnecessary high degree of accuracy involves more compute time. This is not practical with limited compute power. There is an alternative to learning the system on your own, and that is to work with an expert in that system. Thus all you really need is the skill/experience in developing sim apps. You just need that specialized skill and enough generalized skill to collaborate with other specialists.
    Imagine this scenario: Developing a weather simulation app. Right of the bat you would need to have more than basic knowledge in Geology, e.g. types of clouds and climates etc. Plus you would need knowledge of atmospheric physics and thermodynamics etc, plus discrete/differential maths, plus collecting data from various sources. If you collaborate with experts in geology, meteorology, physics, then you could get all the info that you would need for the sim app algos. No one straight out of University would be that skilled on all, anyways. Thus collaboration is the way to go.
    The physics expert may consider:
    • how much sunlight hits each square km area of the earth's surface -> how much is reflected-> thus how much heat is generated, per each time interval (Both current and expected)
    • what emissions are present in city areas with regards to smog/fluorine emissions (measured and predicted)
    • vapour emissions around lakes, sea sides and deep forest -> humidity changes from evaporation
    • the rotation of the earth
      The Geologist may overlap with some of this, and add:
    • cloud types formed with different temperature changes, humidity changes. The cloud types would then feedback to the amount on sunlight that hits different layers, precipitation, and so on

    Various sensors, at various locations, would gather data such as current temp, humidity, pressure, and so on, and feed the sim.
    Satellite picture data could measure/estimate radiation incidence and infrared emission of the earth, to see which surfaces store heat longer, during nights. You could calculate the predicted parameters eg temperature of a spot (square km) thus predict the winds to be formed, which will then feedback and affect the predicted temperature. I can only guess that some advanced differential maths and coding algos would be needed.
    It would be difficult to find one expert in Computer Science, Geology, and Physics. However, simpler to find 3 experts in Comp Sci with only basic Geo or Phys, or 3 experts in Geo with only basics in maths. The challenge would be to integrate the knowledge of different specific experts. I would say that some basic knowledge of other fields would help in the collaboration of different technologies.

    The same goes for research into an earthquake prediction app. Knowledge of Geo, Phys, and so on would be needed. If you have basic knowledge of Geo then you could get the relevant equations training from an expert in Geo, at that time when you are planning to do that app. Collaborate the needed info when you need it. Work and develop a specific skill and learn additional tasks part-time when needed. Rather than learning everything before you start to work.
    Data on objects from below the surface of the earth would be needed for the sim. Maybe, it could be collected by a type of sonic device similar to the one that uses ultrasound to see a fetus in a womb. Imagine a coded pulse sonic radar device on every square kilometer on the earth's surface, or for a small country, or for a small area of land. Think of a grid layout. One of the devices could emit a loud explosive coded sonic pulse (and repeats at different audio ranges, because different rocks may reflect different frequencies) Then, via GPS synchronous timing, all the devices then listens for the different echos (e.g. one device may receive 4 echos at different times). Then, another device (on a different grid location) emits another pulse. This next pulse could have a different code (maybe appended with the grid id) and all the devices listen for echos. All the data would be fed into a computer that would generation a 3D model using an algorithm similar to that for displaying visual of a foetus in hospitals, using ultrasound. Then these grid sensors could be offset-ted (moved to a slightly different location, or maybe just remove the devices on the east edge only, and append them to the west edge, repeat, and eventually the grid would effectively move) to provide more data for the 3D output. From the 3D model: the density, air pockets, minerals deposits may be observed (I don't know really, unfortunately, I am not a geologist. Detecting movement of the crust, horizontally and vertically, would have to be done somehow. Guessing movements of the core, may also have to be done, that is, the movements of the liquids under the crusts. Intelligent 'Guesses' could be made from other data. (Again I don't really know) Guessing the detail 3D structure of the crust and below until it matches measured data could be done. The Physics expert would contribute how sound vibrations affect various materials based on materials property like rigidness and density (vibrations travel faster, I think, in denser materials)
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  2. #12
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    Personally, I believe in mitigation of disasters.

    For earthquakes, I think the focus should be on better building structures. Tall buildings should not just crumble. The base should be designed to refract/ deflect/or absorb vibrations coming in the direction from below. (There are technologies to deflect or weaken waves on the shoreline to protect a beach.) However if we can predict a category 5 earth quake and its location 3 days prior, then evacuation would be the logical action.

    For the earthquake unit in Jamaica. I do not know how it is done, but other than monitoring work, there might be some Research and Development. R&D in a small organization like this would have the same benefits as in many other similar organization over the world. Any app development or technology should be shared, no one country has to research on its own. Members of our own Earthquake unit should travel to other countries and see what other countries have to offer, and at the same time communicate any observation they have on Jamaica. They could observe what kind of building structures exist to mitigate against disasters. This should be a common strategy for organizations. One organization in Jamaica may have goal X. At the same time, 100 organizations all over the world also have goal X. All these organization may have a R&D department, yet it is not common strategy to have collaboration between different located organizations.
    However beware. The major obstacle of collaboration is parasites. IMO. They seek to use other's technology not to better the whole but to benefit themselves, and would use said tech in war weapons at the expense of the whole. Solution: do not promote parasites to any position of power. Parasites are real so BEWARE, especially since they are good actors, pretenders, and liars.
    I think to mitigate against earthquake is to have better buildings. Keyword is collaboration. Collaboration should be done with our earthquake people and other people who are in the same field in other countries. It does not benefit to have such research private.

    Another mitigation for earthquake disaster is to improve Rescue work. Protocols to follow during an earthquake -> where to expect survivors. Research should be done in tools for rescue workers to find trapped survivors via scanning with sonar. And Digging. A robot could be equipped with powered jacks and go into tight spaces and use the power jacks to brace away structures. Also to have a 3d view of fallen structures thus devise a plan of rescue.

    Back to the discussion.

    It is better to have:
    1 knife that can cut 10 types of materials
    1 screwdriver that can pull 10 types of screws
    1 pliers that can grip 10 types of materials
    1 wrench that can pull 10 types of bolts
    10 general tools that can each cut 1 type of material, pull 1 types of screw, grip 1 type of material, pull 1 type of bolt
    Think about it

    On the other hand, it is better to have 1 general tool over 1 specific tool

    Jamaica has aprox 2.8 million of people, so I estimate in the hundred thousands are high school student. The numbers are high enough for even a quarter to have the option for specialized training.

    There is no limitation on the number of associate degrees or bachelors that a person can do.
    It is also likely that one specific associate degree may overlap with another specific associate deg. Some courses may be common.
    If different institutes work together, then there should be more exemption in courses or common areas in associate and bachelor degrees.

    Finally, learning specialized skills does not means you cannot learn a lot. Learn as much as you want. Broaden and deepen your knowledge in any subject area.

    (I need a vacation from psychos. They drain my energy. I need to spend more time on TJ)
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by crosswire View Post
    I even learnt from TJ
    This is especially good. Still - I'm going to spend some time and go through the rest of the replies and then say something. Most people are hampered by the environment and the way that economies are structured. I personally believe in apprenticeship. If that was in place then kids could go and see what the actual experience is like and decide what they want to do. But - more to come after I finish reading the whole thing.
    Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".

  4. #14
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    I posted an example of a sim app here:

    Some Basics in Simulation App - Ball Bouncing

    This is just a small example of a Simulation. The point is that it can be taught and it can be learned.

    Jamaicans could create simulation apps like this one, and we could also create robotics apps as well. This could be a cool niche for us.

    You might say that why don't I start my own business. I will do that, but one business by itself is not going to feed Jamaica. Not in any usable time frame at least. The real solution is “all capable people” should start there own business. These type of technological businesses would not be competing for the same resources, or market. For example, the market is big enough, thus, by providing slightly different sims, for each type of situation. Next example, base code could be shared. An engine may even be developed and maintained by Jamaicans which can be applied to a variety of sims. It can be just like a game engine, but it would be focused on equations and could accept Einstein Field Equations and more. Honestly, any task that I talk about is far too much for me alone to handle in any reasonable time frame. (Education, Corporation needed in Jamaicans to achieve this vision).

    Einstein quoted that evil will continue to persists so long as good people do nothing.
    Never sit back and expect evil to stop itself. However, when you choose to do something, choose your battles wisely. Don't take on more than what you can win, unless you're plan is to be a mortar.

    Einstein also said that it is insane to keep doing the exact same thing and anticipating a different result. Jamaica has failed along with other countries in keeping down the growth of “parasites”.

    Jamaica, as a nation, among-st others, we the people, have lost Education, Corporation, Land, and a Breed of Progressive Thinkers to parasites. Background history: Psychotic parasites of the highest level went around conquering other nations. In the process, they kill people those who stood up for what is right. High level parasites killed high level progressive elements. This effectively lowered the amount of progressive gene left in the society’s gene pool. Furthermore, parasites raped many beautiful women, which further put the gene pool in their favour. This continued for many many generations til it reached Jamaica, where slave women had “half” children for the master. Plus many good slave were killed. Many bad slaves, who were likely also high level psychotic parasites, I am sure, were elevated to status of bacra-master. Thus a system was set in place where parasites had more power and access to women than progressive slaves. Look at our current culture, where anyone who is willing to make it, even on someone else expense, gets a forward in society, maybe because of their money. Even though slavery is long gone, officially, all of the traits of parasites sucking on progressive element still remains. Young black Jamaicans today are not at their full potential mentally and physically. Mentally in the sense of what progressive programming their brains have acquired, eg, a sense of Corporation, a sense of promoting progressive element rather than promoting parasites, and so on. This really applies to many samples in our current generation not just to young people. Then there is physical. Physical in the sense of the number of progressive thought chains that the brain can compute per minute. Here is an analogy, a working man may have the gene to lift 100kg per minute, but if he is not in an environment where he lift anything, he may only can lift 50kg per minute. Many people, because of the environment, their brains are not in the best shape.

    The progressive solution is to reverse the effect of parasites. Education must be persuaded not punished. Land should be given not taken. Corporation must be rewarded rather than punished. High level parasites aka Psychopaths / Sociopath must be weeded out. This is a task for Progressive Elements. Just like how a system or culture can promote parasites. An anti-slavery system can promote Progressive Elements. But it can only be developed by progressive element. All points of weakness needs to be tackled to give foundation to a progressive system.

    Their are countries that have a system that works for them. For example, in Japan, if you can’t pass the respect your elder’s test, then you will get two katana chop in your face for your insolence. I am joking this time. Anyway, there are places where parasites are not bred, however the treat of parasites exist from invading nation, so long as parasites are in the world. A progressive system can be tailored for Jamaica for its current state.

    For Jamaica, both politicians and ghetto youths need to be united under this common goal. Job opportunity exist in agriculture, and Jamaica has resources of land. Something can gwaan as a basic start. How can people who are willing to work in peace be separated from people who want to take from others unnecessarily… when corruption exists, and few have all the money and many don’t have food to eat many nights. Agricultural jobs can be set, for the level of education presently available. Killers should be weeded out, no arguments there, assuming it is not self defense against a parasite. All must be educated and have opportunity. High level parasites will choose wrongly, and then weeded out by a progressive system. (More details to be developed)

    The state that Jamaica is in today is evidence that the current system has failed, assuming “progress” is the objective. The problem cannot be solved with the same mindset that created the problem in the first place - sir Albert Einstein. (Straight Progressive Thinkers needed)

    (For the record, I have met and studied a few high level, full psychopath parasites, as well as a few half parasites. And honestly that is evidence that Jamaica is not is a state that it should be in. Furthermore, I have seen more than one evidence, for the inheritance of the parasite trait. Full high level parasites are not common, but are too common for me to meet in little Jamaica, much less a quintessential one. This, I think, is more than just a coincidence)

    Science is neutral. It is neither bad nor good. However we must be careful. Parasites seek to use technology to better themselves at the expense of the world. (This is the true reason why science is yet to solve world hunger. Truth be it, basic common sense is all that is needed, and very basic cave man science. Land and resources are abundant, and workforce is present. However parasites upset the progressive order.) On the other hand Progressive Elements seek to use science to help all of the world. We need to be careful. Parasites took the science of "black powder" used in fireworks and rename it gunpowder and use it in guns. There is no science that parasites will not use in the only way that they know how, which is, as their namesake.
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  5. #15
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    Default Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, and Simulations

    Modern Physics is going in some strange directions, in particular, Quantum Mechanics

    “Single Photon Interference” by Veritasium

    “The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios” by PBS Space Time

    “Quantum Entanglement and the Great Bohr-Einstein Debate | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios” by PBS Space Time

    “Bell's Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox” by minutephysics

    “Bell's Inequality” by DrPhysicsA

    “Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance” by Veritasium

    “Schrödinger's Cat” by minutephysics

    “Schrodinger's Cat” by DrPhysicsA

    “SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT EXPLAINED” by LondonCityGirl – Knowledge

    “The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Part 1: Position/Momentum and Schrodinger's Cat” by Professor Dave Explains

    “How the Quantum Eraser Rewrites the Past | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios” by PBS Space Time

    “NEW RESULTS! Cosmic Quantum Bell Test” by Physics Girl

    Quantum Mechanics theorizes that quantum particles (electrons, protons, photons, and so on) are govern by the wave equation which gives a probability of the location of the particle. The particle exist at all possible locations in a state of superposition and just has a probability of being in whichever state. When you measure the state of the particle, it collapses the wave function and the particle is found at a particular location. Same goes for when the particle travels, it travels on all possible paths. It is non-deterministic because it it probabilistic driven. Also, the states of the atoms in an object cannot be well define. Also, it implied that there is no hidden variables that describe particles just their probability of state, and entangled particles are linked by some Spooky action at a distance.

    • A particle travels on all possible paths, as a wave, and thus one particle goes through both slits and interferes with itself
    • There are no hidden variables that will predict is a quantum particle, eg photon, will pass through polarized filters and confirms Quantum mechanics probability states
    • Bell's Theorem shows that hidden variables are wrong
    • Quantum particles exist in a superposition of states until they are examined, then they are found to be in just one state

    I straight up disagree with the current theory of Quantum Mechanics. I lean towards Einstein’s view, in that, I also would like to believed that the moon is there even when I am not looking.

    What if Quantum Mechanics is wrong. What if it is wrong from one of the initial logic, of how light travels.

    de Broglie-Bohm-crosswire Pilot Field theory (note the crosswire my hypothesis)

    Consider the experiment where you have light going tru a vertical polarizer, then a horizontal polarizer. For any light, none pass tru. But, if you have light going tru vertical polarizer, then a 45 degree slant polarizer, then a horizontal polarizer. For any light, some pass tru. Consider each photon has some state variable that says whether it goes tru or not, BUT ALSO, the field that it will travel is different in both cause. (Imagine some field is there that we cannot see)
    (See “Bell's Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox” by minutephysics)

    The field influences the path of the particle, and changes to the field cannot occur faster than the speed of light. The particle (photon in this case) can also affect the field, and the field very far away can affect the particle. This would be analogous to a lightning strike. If there are metal rods suspended in the atmosphere, then a lightning strike will tend to follow that path, the path of least resistance. At each point in time, as the ball of electrons fall, based on the field's state, a certain path will be taken. If you happen to change the field at that point, then you could correct the path of the lightning, however you couldn’t change the field faster than the speed of light. By having more polarizing filters, that would affect the field, and offer a path of less resistance. The path would be deterministic. Just the initial state of the photon is unknown, but that initial state would contribute to if it pass tru or not. When the polarizers are at 90 degrees the the field is completely cut.

    Consider the double slit single particle interference pattern.
    (See “Single Photon Interference” by Veritasium)
    There would be a field set up when one slit is present, and the initial state of the photon governs where the final position will be after the photon travels this field. (We cannot see the field but imagine it is there) The probability of where the photon ends is deterministic on the initial state, just that we don’t know that state at this time. Now when the are two slits, the field changes. The field that was there before changes by the introduction of another slit. This then affects the path of the photon. Furthermore, the initial state of the photon determines where the photon goes: whether it hits the slit wall, or pass tru, and where it lands, to any of the positions producing the interference pattern. The paths of least resistance would shape into an interference pattern, if we could see how the field is shaped, just like a wave interference pattern.

    If you cover one of the slit in the double slit experiment, I am guessing that you change the field back. Just like for a lightning bolt, if you remove the metal rods in the atmosphere you will affect the field which then affects the trajectory. Back to the photon slit experiment, I am suggesting that also if you put a measurement device on the slits, that device also changes the field in the “which way” experiment, and not that it collapses a wave function. (Remember I am saying that the field can extend far away from the particle. It can be changed but not faster than the speed of light. The field from very far away can affect the field nearby)

    Furthermore, and importantly, entangled particles share the same field. This is also the explanation I would use for the Quantum Eraser Experiment. The split photons, separated by whatever prism or mirror, the field for them are connected (especially from the design of the experiment) and changes of the field at the end of the experiment would affect the field at the beginning of the experiment, thus giving the impression that the the change occur after photon 1 had pass when photon 2 is not measured yet, however the field had already change to have a new path of least resistance.

    This would also affect the result of Bell’s Inequality test
    (See “Bell's Inequality” by DrPhysicsA)
    For entangled pair, the field is connected between the two paths of each particles. When you measure the pass-ability of a photon tru a horizontal polarizer at Alice, that field affects (and is affected by) the field at Bob. Thus, the polarizer that Bob chooses can affect the pass-ability of Alice’s photon. Thus you could not use just hidden variables of the photon, without taking into account the inconsistency of the field. For, 3 orientations of polarizer, and for the orientations being different at Alice and Bob, then when Alice is in Position 1, Bob would be in position 2 or 3, and the combined field would be switch between Bob’s two positions, thus reducing the probability of the common variable plan that would be expected. There is no instantaneous collapsing of the 2 photons (The field changes and is just there to affect the outcome.)


    What if it is Quantum Mechanics is also wrong about measuring spin, in the spin align itself to which ever axis you choose.

    What if there is a special case of Space-Time bending that occurs that can output an angular momentum, just like how gravity is a fake acceleration that is cause by space-time bending. (Honestly, I still can’t picture this in my head ) Even though acceleration and momentum are completely different, a resistive force can cause both to interact. So what if quantum spin is angular moment caused by space-time bending, and when you choose an axis to measure spin, you will get your quantized angular momentum, but that is not the angular momentum of the space-time bending system, just simply what the system outputs for your chosen axis. If quantum spin aligns to your measured axis, then if you were to measure all particles in the universe, then it would be up or down to your axis but this would imply that you can affect the angular momentum of the universe and thus violate the conservation of angular momentum. As for entangled pairs, that would be two symmetrically opposite space-time bending systems, so you will always get opposite spin for any chosen axis. If you choose an axis to take a measurement and you find that the quantum spin is up or down, then that would not mean that you have defined the source particle in anyway as 50% of all orientations of such space-time bending systems may give you spin up in that direction, but you do not know the full orientation of your particle being measured.
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  6. #16
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    Default Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, and Simulations (continued)

    General Relativity

    General Relativity is cool. Time moves differently on different mass object as gravity is different. In other words, time moves slower when you are in orbit outer space than on the surface of the Earth. Time moves differently depending on your speed. Distance changes for moving objects (Length contraction). Gravity is not a real force. (Spacetime bends and curves by mass objects, and this causes gravity, the more massive the object, then the more the curvature. A black hole curves space in such a way that when light travels in a straight line, it will never escape once it goes into the curvature of a black hole beyond the event horizon. (This curvature is unbelievable hard to visualize) There is even more science with rotating masses and gravitational waves.

    Specialized vs Generalized learning

    I should be able to find at least 10 Jamaicans who I could learn quantum physics from, and another 10 that I could learn General Relativity from rather than 100,000 that I could learn common Newtonian Physics

    The Purpose for Sims

    Take Einstein's equation for General Relativity, or Einstein Field Equations (EFE)
    Then, apply to a sim that can vary the shapes of different mass objects. Have the sim set to do the calculation per incremental mass inside that object. You could investigate the spacetime bending that occurs for a massive hollow dense sphere of different sizes. Think about it, inside the sphere gravity would be experience so time slows down. And what if there exist a ‘space’, inside the sphere, that is the surrounded by an event horizon of the sphere’s wall, how weird would space time bend for such a space. It may not be a singularity. However, a properly coded app could simulate it. I doubt it would form a wormhole by itself but it could show off some cool spacetime bending. Further shapes could be checked like a hollow donut. The app could do a search, and vary the shapes and look for a spacetime bending that could give angular acceleration. It would not take material resources to create such a sim, just mental resources. If a nation, is well educated and visions education seriously as a resource, then there could be enough staff to create such a sim.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  7. #17
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    You really need to start a blog or write a book.

  8. #18
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    I experienced the German education system and think it's a good way that combines both aspects. They specialise for children since grade 5 but still learn the general subject for their development.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by owen View Post
    You really need to start a blog or write a book.
    This audience is OK.

    Some of the smartest people I have met are here. They, mostly, if not entirely, are Jamaicans, but most importantly, contributing Jamaicans. Thus words will matter here, with people who care to read.

    I could start a blog, but I fear that I may not invest the time needed.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamPossible View Post
    I experienced the German education system and think it's a good way that combines both aspects. They specialise for children since grade 5 but still learn the general subject for their development.
    This is an interesting system. Jamaicans could evolve into a learning system similar to this.

    First we would have to up our game and provide (strongly encourage) education for all (Farming/Construction/etc). We could start as early as possible, with the basics, then revamp the criteria needed in high schools (CSEC and CAPE are good, as well as GCE O and A. Maybe lowering the age and encourage exams to be taken in any year afterward. You can never be too old to do a CSEC). Then provides better paths and transitions into some specialized schools, still retaining some general learning requirements.

    Right now, options are limited for a 16 year old with A Levels. For example, I like where Heart NTA provides specialized learning, but there is no next level.
    What if someone wants to go into a specific field of game development, after doing "BSc. in Information and Communication Technology" where can they go. Here is where they would have to rely on Google and then start there own business. Not the easiest path.

    Similarly, you could do a construction course at Heart NTA, then suppose you wanted to build bridges/skyscrapers, what would be the next transition. This is just an example.

    Even UWI next level does not provide much options within specialization fields. There are so much options available after Computer Science, yet, the field of IT is incredibly vast. Furthermore, a students does to have to focus on courses that they are not interested in just to do Game Development, and spend many many years to learn how to do something that can be taught at a much earlier age.
    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

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