The "Technology" field is so huge.
Communication, Simulation, Robotics, Databases, and so many more.
Each one of these area is itself also huge.
By the time a student is ready to write code for a recognition app, he/she would have completed many years of study. That time would be shortened if they specialize from earlier.
Back in my time, there was no IT class at my high school, but since that I have seen teachers "Introduce" Microsoft Offices Products at the Primary level. Now it is at the secondary level.
Now there is a recognised curiculum in IT
Let's imagine Jamaican Programmers writting a traffics simulation app.
Should a high school student spend even quarter of his daily classes in a specific area of Computer Science/Information Technology, then he/she would acquire advanced training in that specific area. Let us say, each year they do the following:
C++/C# programing basics --> collection of apps in C# --> simulation basics --> exposure to code from other simulation apps weather, traffic, physics --> taylor a traffic app for Jamaica
Let's imagine writing a robotics app to control a robot with 4 hook arms to climb a tree like a monkey. Picture it traversing a horizontal tree limb by using its weight, or a counter force to push away/down from the limb while it places its hooks on the limb. Then it moves by putting one hook in front of the other and so on.
Another aspect of the app would be "visual recognition" of the tree limbs from the output of a camera on the robot. The major components of the app would be done by different specialist.
C++/C# programming basics --> collection of apps in C# --> recognition basics --> exposure to code from other recognition apps audio, visual
C++/C# programming basics --> collection of apps in C# --> robotics basics --> exposure to code from other robotics apps
One student could have more than one special, because the special field is "narrow" and specific.
It is possible for a student to pick up something specific on his/her summer break, during a specific summer class. Let us say game developing, or it could be web site developing. Each summer, they would acquire a specific skill set in game developing. However, they would lack the overall skill set to get a certificate in IT. (I can relate to this and a computer science major.) And there is no recognition for high level skill in a specific area.
I could go on and on with other specialized areas but that is a disadvantage of specialized learning, among-st others. There would be fewer students in a class, and more classes in a school.
However there is the advantage that a student could go further with code within a specialized field. Jamaican could pioneer apps that would take others longer
Should there be more specialized schools, so that there is a mix of specialized and generalized schools?
Furthermore, organisations should have temporary projects building unique apps, which would employ these specialized student, and give them specialized training to carry out the project apps.
In my first year of exposure to computer science, I wrote almost the full code for C++ console app for playing chess. I was exposed to just the code to write the bishop piece. I took that and coded every piece. The letter 'b' would represent one's player Bishop and a capital 'B' would represent the other side's Bishop. 'r' would be Rook and so on. I even placed the correct weights to the value of pieces. I had great difficulty with the AI, and at that time I could not get a three move ahead search to work.
I did that before finishing a whole year. And I was at university doing other classes. Furthermore, I it took me about half a semester, about two months, before I understood the "code flow" in an app, and to write my first hello world with application. Had I been exposed to more AI code then I could have done a good C++ chess game. I was also using a book on my own to learn MFC and create windows app within my first year because I was having so much fun. There was no curriculum for that but I liked it.