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Thread: Open Reporting (Jamaican Local)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Open Reporting (Jamaican Local)

    I am "thinking" of an Android app for phones/tablets

    Open Reporting (Jamaican Local)

    The app should be able to:

    • JPS - Report a fault - Allowing pics, gps, audio recordings
    • Island Grill - Order
    • Pizza Hut - Order
    • Car Accident - Report (Alternatively dial direct 119)

    How it works:

    Have the app "Ready" by downloading the app, logging in with an account like Facebook, or gmail

    Inside the app, there would be a table of topics. Not shown by default.

    First the user types a topic of interest and all related topics are displayed (from the topics above)

    Then the user picks the topic. This retrieves an input form, and displays it.

    An internal table would have a list for all the available topics (above), along with a internet URL link to the the form (XML form), an alternative local link for the form, a link to media resources for the form(local and web), and an endpoint URL where the form data would be submitted.

    On the internet app server, forms from various companies would reside. These would be an XML doc (similar to html) created by the companies but simplified and limited to just input form fields.

    The form is suppose to be a minimal size xml, that the app would use to display a report form to the user.

    The report from the form would be sent to an endpoint over the network where the companies can log in and retrieve report logs, for those companies without websites, else the endpoint is at the companies endpoint

    Companies should be able to rate a reporter, and track 'good' reports ratings

    For example, an xml doc for JPS fault report would have a text field for the fault to report, an adreess field, a pic feild.

    -in the text field, the use could report a light post number. Or record an audio message.
    -in the address field there could be a check box to "Use GPS"
    -in the pic field, the user could take a pic with the phone.

    This is just an example and subject to change.

    Another example, is to use the app in food restaurants to order your food locally. Say you enter Island Grill and connect to their WiFi, then you could use the app to connect to a local endpoint. The form displayed would be a food menu. And you could select your order, and submit it.
    When you go to another restaurant another form would be loaded.
    The idea is that some restaurants do not have a web site, but the app could connect to their local LAN, if available, and interact just as if it was communicating with a internet web site

    Another example, when you are at a hotel, type in the name of the hotel, and viola, you should be able to go on a form that can display a map of the hotel, food menu, activities. This is more informative but the point is a lot of places do not have a website, and some times you do not want everything on the website just core information, and being on the local network performance would be faster

    direct reporting app
    use the local network
    You would not need a specific app for each resturant
    The app could be used the same way to order from pizza hut, and at the same time Pizza hut can rate their customers on customers reliability to uphold their order, and it would be efficient with bandwidth.

    need to use some form of internet network or wifi
    I will admit that the app is very similar to a web browser, but the idea is to have relevant info at your finger tips and be able to send relevant info, where it can be collected and used.

    Any suggestions and constructive criticism?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Good idea. We need to bring Jamaica up to the 19 century....

    But You need a few apps. A separate one for Utilities, One for Car accidents and one for Food.

    Yes internet is needed...
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  3. #3
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    There are several apps that allow you to order food. Off the the top of my head there is 7crave and cutdiline. Accidents though I believe your respective insurance company offers an app (I know mine does ICWI) now for JPS not sure about that one.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I endorse this thread for the mere fact that you can see the disadvantage of depending on something that requires wifi/internet to work. The real issue with all these apps is getting the "attach rate" up to that of something like whatsapp.

    Of course if you have 10 or some people in each parish that use it then you could get a good "noise to signal" ratio. Meaning that the bad reports do not clutter the good reports like the people who call JPS when the light goes out and clog their phone network with dumb queries.

    Targeting a smaller demographic might be more feasible than going after the whatsapp crowd who record voice messages then re-listen to themselves talk just to pass the time while other people respond. Having a smaller set of people use the app might make it more worth while.

  5. #5
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    JPS reporting app is much better than calling customer service. Instantly on their system once you send the report.

    WAZE works well out here.

    What we need (for the drivers) is either a good gas station app or more development on the existing one.

    Some restaurants already have their apps for ordering.

    If you want to integrate some of them, not sure if you'd have to reinvent or maybe make a front-end for their installed app. Maybe make it lighter on resources too if possible.
    Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".

  6. #6
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    Thanks. All.

    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

  7. #7
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    I'm not a programmer - haven't touched it since about 1997/1998 - but if some of these apps already exist, I don't know if it's possible to either decompile them and use the elements you need, or maybe get the source from the company to make the type of app you're talking about? Kind of reminds me of how WeChat is to China. Would be nice to actually have a mega-app like that for Jamaica.
    Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".

  8. #8
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    Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
    Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you

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