Originally Posted by
@crossfire so u basically have everything. Compared to most ps4 and xbone owners who have 1 cod, a fifa and assassin creed because that's all they play by themselves at nights online.
Well basically! I still have not gotten Smash Bros, Pokemon, Splatoon, and a few others. In due time. Maybe.
I was hoping to get a new Naruto though, or even Mortal Kombat. Did not see any Naruto. What a waste.
At one time, i was thinking of getting an XBox 360/PS3 for games that should have come out on WiiU.
Well I might get a Xbox One along side the Switch, and games like Fifa 17, F1 2016 and a FPS game like Titanfall 2. If money gets tall, I would also get a PS4 and some exclusive games.
When I sell the Wii U, I would keep some of the dics for a while until I get to finish them all on an emulator. I would have to rely on a high end pc for that and not the Switch. But we will see.
I like to network play games locally. I still play UT2004 locally, because a few people on my home network have PCs. I hope the switch could join in, that is, if there is a version of UT that comes out for the switch. That would be cool.
If the price of the switch is right, then I may get two Switches. I am suspecting that I may need a dedicated screen for a better user experience, thus each switch user has his own screen. I doubt I can afford more than two. I may not even can afford two, but we will see what the launch price looks like. This is because I am all about the multiplayer. (Though I enjoy solo playing UT2004 and Pikmin at times.)
Last edited by crosswire; Jan 1, 2017 at 01:58 PM.
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Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you