Differently though, the online banking system as it relates to 3rd party access in Jamaica is ridiculous. I recently and in the past, have built travel booking sites for local clients who want their foreign clients to be able to pay online via credit cards. However for them to go through a local bank involves bending over backwards while assuming some complicated origami style bending. The amount of things you have to go through just because banks start with the assumption that, if you want to do business with them you must a criminal.
To open a bank account, they'll soon ask you for stamped letters from a JP, a doctor, the police, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost... depending on your skin shade.
Anyway, it is easier to just created a PayPal account, confirm it with a credit card and begin using the API. Plus it is a helleva lot cheaper for processing fee as compared to the ransom local banks will charge.
Its rough being a citizen of this country.
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