For the sake of Google and those of us that are used to path relative URLs, please also add a 301 for i.e., with the last '/'
For the sake of Google and those of us that are used to path relative URLs, please also add a 301 for i.e., with the last '/'
1.8 Ghz Pentium 4 (OC'd.) / Intel P4 (478) Motherboard / 800MHz DDR / 256 Mb DDR RAM / 40GB Seagate / RIVA TNT2 Pro 32MB / 24X12X24 Sony CDRW+ / 18" View Sonic CRT / Windows ME Yes it will play Doom... i plan on trying Crysis 3 one of these days.
Done. Thanks for the suggestion.
UPDATE: OK, before you starting ganging up in the town square with the buckets of tar and feathers, I thought I'd let you know that I've changed it back to ../forums/. Please accept my apologies for having caused these disruptions. Yeah, changing it in the first place wasn't one of my brightest moments and I'm already struggling to list those.
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