I attended the conference on Wednesday. It was quite good. http://jamaicaypdigitalconference.instapage.com/
There was a lot of good content for people involved in marketing and web design. It also provided a good overview for managers and business owners who have to work with these people.
Gabriel Parra, Strategic Partner Manager from Google gave a comprehensive explanation on how to Google ranks websites when people do searches. He provided tips on how websites can improve their rankings. Generally he helped us understand how Google works. He had lots of statistics about the kinds of web searches done from Jamaica. Apparently Youtube is the most popular destination here.
Rasheed Girvan, Digital Sales Manager, Gobal Directories provided an understanding of how mobile devices are replacing desktops for accessing internet content. Both of these presentations made it clear how important it is for websites to be mobile friendly. It a site is not mobile friendly, more and more people will not visit it.
Dave Dacosta, Regional Marketing Director, Gobal Directories gave us a lot to think about. He explained how people shop online and the things that companies need to do in order to take advantages of the changes.
Casandra Cortes, Matchcraft explained how to calculate the return on investments for web marketing. We often spend so much time and money on web marketing. Are we getting good results? How can we tell what works and what doesn't work?
A very good conference overall. During lunch I was able to chat with some of the sales representatives from Yellow Pages/Global Directories. I learnt a lot about the techniques needed for mobile friendly websites. That organization is now so much more than the paper directory that they print. The are now Google Adworks partners and they have a great deal of knowledge about web design and web marketing. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of their knowledge.
The conference was oversubscribed. There might be another one coming up for those who could not make the first one. It is well worth the time to attend.
No I did not take pictures because I did not plan to do a report.