Running 10 Tech preview on a second hard-drive for the past 2 months now. Honestly have no big issues with it, just minor irks, some of which are due to it being a demo. I'll update the hard drive right off the bat. I still have my win 7 Ultimate working and neatly seated on another hard drive so if there is any trouble I'll just shift over easily.
But waiting 6 months is the smart choice and I would do that if I didn't have the extra drives. Plus I want to poke around with the DX 12 and the win 10 performance and see what hidden money making model Microsoft has planned.
"As instanced dungeons became popular, the whole world of MMORPGs became an entrance lobby to instanced dungeons. In my opinion, today’s MMORPGs are like theme parks – guaranteed fun with limited choices." ~ Jake Song
“Great ideas are often opposed by violent reactions of mediocre minds.” ~ Albert Einstein