Working on the web, one should know little or more programming with JavaScript. In today's job requirement they would expect you know a little bit. While JavaScript turns your browser into an app-like software, you can interact with it very well; but what happens for older browser (you find these in banks etc) or it has been disabled in the browser. Surely it will not work.
As in my signature I am a ruby on rails fan boy but I struggle to deal with two personalities: back-end and front-end, where JavaScript would be the front-end. Ok working for a large company you may have two teams for the front and back but in this case, I'm referring to those who are full stack or works for themselves. Do you find it difficult or time consuming to code in two different languages: your main language plus JavaScript?
Meteor is a new framework that uses pure JavaScript but it works as an api. Although it's pure JavaScript I would say it's a Meteor-JavaScript (MeteorJs). I have played around with it, built a little app and am impressed but, there's just that but of using JavaScript without a fall back. That fall back would be "what if JavaScript does not load, what are the alternatives".
Learning a new framework is an investment but it's worth while knowing the language it uses future.