Good day folks i'm 33 years old and i wanted to know, is it too late for me to learn programming professionally ?
Good day folks i'm 33 years old and i wanted to know, is it too late for me to learn programming professionally ?
No it is not too late.
What aspect of programming are you thinking of taking up?
Web, End user software, Games, OS development are some of the bigger programming umbrellas.
Pick your drink.
It's so much easier now to access information on any coding topic, no need to even leave your desk/home.
Here are a few sites that can help you get start:
Here is a nice lil compiled list:
Last edited by matronyx; Dec 2, 2014 at 12:04 PM.
Calm Like a BOMB
Phone: Nokia 1200 with Satantendo ROM v.3.3
Laptop: (Pentium III 850 MHz, 512 MB, 60 GB)
Console: Sega Dreamcast
Check out my blog:
Here are some recommended blogs you can learn to program from, they have really good tutorials:
They offer PHP, Javascript, MySQL, Wordpress, Drupal, Java, C and more
Good luck!
It's never too late to learn anything. You should start with Javascript, which is the most popular language and use for both back end & front end. Then Python and C. Goodluck!
Let's act on what we agree on now, and argue later on what we don't.
Black men leave Barbeque alone if Barbeque don't trouble you
So, I looked more into beginner info on the topic and I think this article will be useful for you:
It gives more information about Javascript, how to enable and disable it and some other tips when using it. It will be useful for a beginner, at least I found it as such when I was new to the subject. Good luck and don't hesitate to ask if you are confused about something.![]()
As stated before, it's never to late to learn anything. What counts is your drive and/or your passion/desire.
If you're doing it for work purposes then it may be tedious, but it is still doable.
If you're doing it because you're interested/like/love the field, then you won't actually be doing work.
There are many free resources available and many different languages. What kind of programming do you want to do? General PC/MAC application development? Mobile development? Web development? Do you have a specific language or set of languages you'd like to learn? Do you have any prior experience in programming? These are all things you should consider.
If you provide a bit more detail on what area you'd like to get into then persons may be able to guide you accordingly. There may also be some persons here that would be willing to provide assistance through your learning process.
Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".