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Thread: IBM To Throw Another $1 Billion USD Towards Linux

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Default IBM To Throw Another $1 Billion USD Towards Linux

    IBM famously invested one billion dollars during the early days of Linux in the enterprise, but now they're going to toss another billion dollars around Linux. This time their investment focus is around Linux and open-source technologies on IBM POWER servers, in particular with regard to big data and cloud computing. IBM is building "Linux on Power" development clouds and other initiatives to help developers and businesses test software on their CPU architecture and more.

  2. #2
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    Years ago IBM decided that it was time to move from the sale of hardware to the sale of software and services. They sold their hardware business to the Chinese firm Levono and never looked back.

    At the time, analysts thought it was a good move. Today, it appears to have been a brilliant move. HP, Dell and others who remained in the hardware business are declining fast. Even the once invincible Microsoft is suffering from the move to tablets and other devices.

    IBM has made a ton of money selling software and services running on Linux servers. Clearly, someone was paying attention to the changes in the market.

  3. #3
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    they should throw some a that money towards the Ubuntu Edge

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Honestly, Ubuntu is overrated. I frankly hate it (even though I am using it as we type). Anyway, IBM has always haf a soft-spot for Linux they had this ad-campaign in the early 00s where they had a white-haired kid who was supposed to learn everything from everybody kinda how the Open Source model works. And most of the Super Computers they make run some variation of the Linux Kernel so, they have always been Linux supporters. The reason we were not seeing it is, apparently Linux is 'taboo' as M$ wants us to the think and people who know no better avoid it like the plague.

  5. #5
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    They should throw that money into linux device driver creation. That way the age old complaint will be minimal to say the least. The Android on x86 project could use some of that money too. Nice project but not ready for mainstream bcuz of hardware limitations.
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