Well C++ is C++, whether its on x86-64 or WiiU POWER - the compiler hides (most) of the architectural details. The main problems are when they go all exotic and don't provide proper middleware (see PS2 Emotion Engine and the N64 microcode)
and that no one knows how to do multicore right (PDF).
If you didn't read the PDF, and I don't blame you, the short story is that there are not enough people who know Functional Languages like F#, Haskell and OCaML. These languages' states are mutable, you don't have to worry about which thread is doing what. In fact, you can do some pretty amazing stuff. Like in Erlang, you can make different threads of execution AND send messages among them with simple primitives (concurrency!).
Try that with that POS Borland "Turbo" C they have me using up at UTech!
So if , say someone on a third world island were to make a middle ware kit that that could exploit multicore properly, it would immediately catapult that third world coder and his studio immediately into the spotlight. Such a skill would put them over even big studios like EA. Games would finally have AI and graphics that actually looked completely different from the previous generation instead of mere improvements.
If only....