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Thread: nokia x2-01 ribbon gone bad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
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    Default nokia x2-01 ribbon gone bad

    i have a nokia x2-01 and it seems as if the ribbon has gone bad because at first the screen was white and now its just plain there anywhere i could take to fix this or even just buy a new lcd screen because i ask a couple of places and they are saying "we do not have the ribbon at the moment"...any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
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    You can buy a lcd off ebay or see if the instructions below will help, i doubt you'll have the tools to do the fix below thou, . big thx to

    Nokia X2-01 LCD Screen Display Backlight jumper solution
    Kc and Kim Saturday, June 04, 2011This solution may help fix Nokia X2-01 that shows a dark display over LCD screen.This problem is a failure of the LCD's white backlight LED bulb. To quickly fix the problem you may check the highlighted components showed below. Those are the key components that holds for the LCD's backlight LED.

    Here's some hints on how to troubleshoot the "Nokia X2-01 LCD display backlight not working problem".
    " Note: ensure that the LCd is okay or try replacing it before proceeding"
    1. Check the LCD pin connector for possible damaged, resolder if necessary.
    2. Trace each of the LED + (positive and LED - (negative connection line paths down to the resistors where it is being connected.
    3. Check the connected resistor, replace if found damaged.
    4. Check the 3.7 volts battery voltage (VBAT) across the inductor coil, check also the coil for possible open circuit.
    5. If the voltage reading is okay and the coil is good. Replace the the LED driver IC.

    source: http://gsmangel-nokiahardware.blogsp...n-display.html

    _ _ _ _________ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _
    *Intelligent people can take hints
    Preferred Phone OS: Android

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
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    respect will look into it.

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