real graphics.
real graphics.
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Still images looks like the new halo or cod quality, would have to see it at 60fps live action to really tell its awesomeness.
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Last edited by semitop; Feb 23, 2013 at 11:13 PM.
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The transitions between cut scenes and gameplay is almost flawless. Too bad its the same old gameplay that we have seen since Goldeneye 64. Shoot, shoot, grenade
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Yeah its going to be nice to watch the complete play through of the game on youtube instead of buying the game. Probably going to cost around $80 knowing Sony.
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jah know... i'd really like to hear how to reinvent the FPS.. tell me how u reinvent the racing game while you at it.
"knowing Sony"..... explain this one to me, sony is known for jacking up game prices? They already stated PS4 games will max out at the same $60 price point it is now.
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Sony has some of the most expensive stuff on the market. DS3 controllers are not going to work on the PS4. No Backward compatibility AT ALL except the Move controller. No to mention the vita. I really do not know how playstation gamers survive. PS3 stuff are some of the most expensive on the market.
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I understand that it's nice to be able to play all your games on one console, but is backward compatibility REALLY that important? I've seen a lot of people say that a lack of backward compatibility is a deal breaker, but come on. The snes didn't play nes games, the n64 played neither, and the gamecube followed the same trend. Why? Because in order to move forward with the hardware old tech had to be discarded. The PS2 and PS3 could play PS1 games because it was dirt cheap to add the PS1's CPU to them. The PS2's CPU was still very expensive so Sony ditched it in later PS3 models to reduce the price. Can you imagine how expensive the PS4 would if on top of it's current specs they tossed some PS3 hardware in there too? And besides, the PS4's existence doesn't make every PS3 on the planet disappear lol.
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