Still love it. Would still enjoy it today.
Yep as long as u have the she's emulator u good. Mu favorite is really the ds version still. But this one easily was groundbreaking and still fun, even better that lots of the modern ripoffs
N64 Kart is still one of the best racing games ever. The original was fun - but does anyone even remember a knock-off called Skunny Kart that was on PC? Anyways. Many good things came out. I think the best one on the PS1 was CTR as a knock-off of Mario Kart.
Knowing the solution doesn't mean knowing the method. Yet answering correctly and regurgitation are considered "learning" and "knowledge".
N64 kart bad yes. But I really don't like gamecube version. The great thing about the Nintendo ds version is that it was so fast paced and it had tracts from the she's ,gba,ganecube version. Its the fastest Mario kart imo. Just crazy and fun.
remember those days when had to go to my cousins house to play this game.
You know which game I would love Nintendo to remake in full 3d, the original Mario that was on the original famebou. The big white gameboy