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Thread: wierd error in c#

  1. #1
    keroed1 Guest

    Default wierd error in c#

    i am calling a function thats reads a text file but the strange thing is that it only reads two files at a time

    this fucntion calls the reader function
    while((this.fromdateDT.Equals(this.todateDT))!=tru e)
    this.fileName=this.pathString+"smdrbackup"+temp+". csv";

    runReader is the function that reads the file

    the code snipet that does the reading here in that function is

    Stream str= File.Open(CSVpath,FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,FileShare.ReadWrite);
    StreamReader sr;
    sr= new StreamReader(str);

    but if say for example it is suppose to read the following files: k2006-10-12,k2006-10-13,k2006-10-14,k2006-10-15. it reads the first two and say the last two do not exist. but they do and if i skip out the first two and have k2006-10-14,k2006-10-15,k2006-10-16 it once again only reads the first two even though in another order it said it could not find them.

    so basically its only accessing two files after that it says every other fiel does not exist.................anyone have had a problem like this

  2. #2
    keroed1 Guest


    i am going try and take out this section and try do it seperately because i dont know if any of my otehr processes that are running is affecting this procedure from occurring will post result but would still like to know if anybody ever had a problem like this. i am wondering if is some memory aspect is the isee or something needs to be disposed not sure as yet though

  3. #3
    keroed1 Guest


    problem solved guys dont worry after debugging and stepping through the code continuously i realised that oone of the other threads that where running was affecting my thread that was reading from a specific directory. so i jus changed the design of the code.
    cant believe the problem was caused from something totally different i guess you live an learn

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