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Thread: iPhones To block Texts While Driving

  1. #1
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    Default iPhones To block Texts While Driving

    Good feature

    Soon, Apple will introduce a new iPhone feature that will do away with that annoying -- and dangerous -- urge to look at a text message while you're driving.

    The feature, called "Do Not Disturb While Driving," will be part of Apple's iOS 11, a new version of the operating software for Apple mobile devices.

    Whenever the phone is connected to a car using either Bluetooth or a cable, or if the car is moving, the phone will withhold any notifications for things like text messages or news updates.
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  2. #2
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    I wonder if it will only be on recent iPhones.. perhaps those with the A9 chip and up

  3. #3
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    I'm guessing it will be mainly software based (iOS 11)

    The iPhone screen will also be locked to prevent drivers from using many of their apps while driving. Passengers who are just riding will have the ability to indicate that they are not driving and disable the feature.
    And based on that people will just disable the feature and text while driving just the same..
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by GPRS Internet View Post
    I'm guessing it will be mainly software based (iOS 11)

    And based on that people will just disable the feature and text while driving just the same..
    I remember them saying that it'll use WiFi doppler effect and motion data and bluetooth to see if the device is in motion & also being used by the driver. Seems a bit Apple A9 and up SOC to me

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